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High thermal Stability

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Q: Why does Calcium carbonate need a high temperature to decompose?
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Why can't calcium carbonate exist in a liquid state nor in the gaseous state?

At high temperature calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is decomposed in calcium oxide (CaO) and carbon dioxide (CO2).

Is the decomposition of calcium carbonate reversible or irreversible?

In a closed container at normal temperature it is reversible but at high temperature it is irreversible reaction.

What is the calcincation of calcium oxide?

Calcination is the heating of an ore at high temperature. Calcium carbonate undergoes calcination to give calcium oxide. Calcium oxide doesn't undergo calcination.

Is CaCO3 considered a solid after being heated?

After heating at high temperature calcium carbonate is decomposed in calcium oxide (solid) and carbon dioxide (gas).

How does high temperature affect limestone?

At high temperature, limestone undergoes thermal decomposition. The word equation is calcium carbonate decomposes when heated to calcium oxide and carbon dioxide. The chemical equation is CaCO3 + heat --> CaO + CO2.

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What is the equation for calcium carbonate plus high density polyethylene?

itis steric acid coated calcium carbonate with PE

What colour is copper II carbonate when it is heated?

CuCO3 is bluish-greenish-white. If it is heated to a high enough temperature, it will decompose into Carbon Dioxide and Copper II Oxide, which is black.

Does organic compound decompose at high temperature?

The decomposition temperature depends on the compound. But many organic compounds do decompose on heating.

Does slate contain calcium carbonate?

It won't always, but slate does indeed have a high chance of containing calcium carbonate.

Why sodium carbonate do not decompose?

As Sodium is high in reactivity series, it makes strong bonds with carbonate ions. To break up this strong bond, high heat is required which is not provided by normal heating.

Why does sodium carbonate not decompose when heated using a Bunsen burner?

Sodium carbonate does decompose when heated, it undergoes thermal decomposition to form sodium oxide (Na2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and water (H2O). However, the decomposition of sodium carbonate is not easily noticeable when using a Bunsen burner as the high temperature and rapid combustion of the gas can mask the decomposition reaction.