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The sodium reacts with the air (oxygen) and tarnishes.

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Q: Why does a freshly cut piece of sodium have a shiny surface then after a while it turns white?
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Why is a freshly cut piece of sodium's surface shiny?

Sodium in its natural state is shiny, like most metals. When sodium interacts with oxygen in the air, it become sodium oxide, which is much more dull. As a result, when you cut into a piece of sodium, you reveal a brand new part of the sodium that has not yet become sodium oxide and is still shiny.

Explain why the surface of sodium is only shiny when it is freshly cut?


Is sodium shiny?

The surface of sodium rapidly oxides and forms a grody corrosion layer, but a freshly cut surface of sodium is indeed shiny and will remain that way in an inert atmosphere.

What would you see if you were holding a metal that had luster?

If the metal had a metallic luster, on a freshly exposed, non-weathered surface, you would see a somewhat shiny, opaque surface.

What forms of a solid piece of shiny sodium metal is exposed to chlorine gas?

Sodium (Na) and Chlorine (CL) combine to form Sodium Chloride- (NaCl)- but you probably call it table salt.

Is magnesium shiny and does it conduct heat and electricity?

Magnesium would only be shiny in a freshly cut surface. It quickly oxidizes with a film of protective oxide rapidly forming. In this condition it would look grey. It does conduct both heat and electricity.

Is potassium shiny on the periodic table?

Potassium is an alkali metal.It is shiny when freshly cut but quickly go dull.

Why is it when you cut s piece of sodium metal the shiny metal soon goes dull?

because soduim turns metals dull

A typical property of a metal surfaces when freshly cut or polished?


What appearance does sodium have?

It is shiny.

Can platinum be used in jewelry?

yes, they're shiny when polished or freshly cut.

Does sodium have luster?

Don't you mean: "Is sodium lustrous?" And yes, it is. Lustre is how shiny a substance is. Don't you mean: "Is sodium lustrous?" And yes, it is. Lustre is how shiny a substance is.