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I did not quite get this, but if this helps, good. ( this is from my Biology book)"Carbon dioxide is made by cells as a waste product of respiration, and is released across the gaseous exchange surface"

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Q: Why does expired air contain more carbon dioxide than inspired air?
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Related questions

How does expired air differ from inspired air?

Both Inspired and expired air have higher amounts of oxygen than Carbon Dioxide. Inspired air has higher amounts of oxygen than expired, while expired air has higher amounts of Carbon Dioxide than inspired air.

Does carbon contain carbon dioxide?

No. Carbon dioxide contains carbon.

What percent of expired air is carbon dioxide?

Approximately 4-5% of expired air is carbon dioxide

Does carbon dioxide have melanin in it?

Carbon dioxide does not contain melanin.

How is carbon dioxide unloaded?

farts contain a lot of Carbon Dioxide.

How carbon dioxide in important in respiration?

CO2 is expired because when you expire your diaphram moves in and up decreasing lung volume, thus increasing the concentration of CO2 in the lungs. Then diffusion naturally occurs and the CO2 is expired and O2 is then inspired.

Does exhaled air contain more carbon dioxide or oxygen?

Carbon dioxide.

Why are carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are not example of organic chemistry?

An organic compound must contain both carbon and hydrogen. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide contain carbon an oxygen, but not hydrogen.

Does food contain carbon dioxide?


Do safety pins contains carbon dioxide?

Safety pins doesn't contain carbon dioxide.

Does carbon dioxide have particulates?

Carbon dioxide does contain particles. One of the carbon dioxide particles is referred to as carbon dioxide hydrate particle. All matter is made up of different particles. Carbon dioxide is a compound.

What percentages of inspired air are oxygen and carbon dioxide?

Ambient air (the air you breathe in) contains about 21% oxygen and about 380 ppm carbon dioxide. This changes slightly summer to winter, downwind of green vegetation during the day and in buildings.