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The white you see is many microscopic bubbles of oxygen released by a reaction between the Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) and your saliva.

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1mo ago

Hydrogen peroxide is a bleaching agent that can react with the pigments in your gums, leading to a temporary whitening effect. However, it can also cause irritation and damage to the sensitive gum tissues if not used properly. It is important to use hydrogen peroxide solutions in recommended concentrations and not to leave it in contact with your gums for too long.

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How do you prepare 0.2 M hydrogen peroxide?

To prepare a 0.2 M hydrogen peroxide solution, you can dilute a more concentrated solution of hydrogen peroxide (e.g., 3% or 30% hydrogen peroxide) with water. For example, to make 100 mL of 0.2 M solution from 30% hydrogen peroxide, you would mix 3.33 mL of 30% hydrogen peroxide with 96.67 mL of water. Always handle hydrogen peroxide with care as it is a strong oxidizing agent.

How do you dilute 20 volume hydrogen peroxide to make a 3 percent solution?

To dilute 20 volume hydrogen peroxide to make a 3% solution, mix 1 part of 20 volume hydrogen peroxide with about 6 parts water. This will result in a 3% concentration of hydrogen peroxide. Remember to handle hydrogen peroxide carefully and wear appropriate protective gear.

Hydrogen peroxide reaction with chalk?

When hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) reacts with chalk (calcium carbonate, CaCO3), the chalk acts as a catalyst to break down the hydrogen peroxide into water (H2O) and oxygen (O2) gas. This reaction produces bubbles of oxygen gas as a result of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.

What do you get when you combine acetone and hydrogen peroxide?

Combining acetone and hydrogen peroxide can create a highly explosive compound known as acetone peroxide. This compound is extremely unstable and poses a serious risk of detonation if not handled properly.

You accidentally swallowed hydrogen peroxide will it make you sick?

Swallowing hydrogen peroxide can cause irritation to the stomach lining, leading to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. It's best to seek medical advice or contact Poison Control immediately if you have swallowed hydrogen peroxide.

Related questions

How do you dilute 100 vol hydrogen peroxide to make a 6 percent solution?

To dilute 100 vol hydrogen peroxide to make a 6% solution, you would mix 1 part 100 vol hydrogen peroxide with approximately 16 parts of water (since 100 vol is approximately 30% hydrogen peroxide). This dilution will result in a 6% hydrogen peroxide solution.

What elements make H2O2?

Hydrogen peroxide contain hydrogen and oxygen.

Is hydrogen peroxide an antiseptic?

Yes, hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic. It has antimicrobial properties that make it effective in killing bacteria and preventing infection in minor cuts and wounds.

What do Hydrogen Peroxide and yeast make?

Hydrogen peroxide and yeast can react to produce oxygen gas and water. The yeast acts as a catalyst, breaking down the hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water.

How do the chemical properties of peroxide make it sutiable for hair dye?

the extra oxygen atom also makes hydrogen peroxide more reactive than water. hydrogen peroxide reacts readily with chemical pigments that give materials their color. this process which is called bleaching can make stained teeth white or turn brown hair blond.

What gas does yeast and hydrogen peroxide make?

Yeast and hydrogen peroxide produce oxygen gas as a byproduct of their reaction. The yeast acts as a catalyst to break down the hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen.

Does hydrogen peroxide blow up in water?

No. Hydrogen peroxide is usually dissolved in water to make it more stable. The peroxide you buy at the pharmacy is 3% hydrogen peroxide and 97% water. Pure hydrogen peroxide, which is a dangerously strong oxidizer, can explosively decompose into water and oxygen.

Which elements are used to make peroxide?

If you mean hydrogen peroxide, it's 2 hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms. H2 O2

How do you prepare 0.2 M hydrogen peroxide?

To prepare a 0.2 M hydrogen peroxide solution, you can dilute a more concentrated solution of hydrogen peroxide (e.g., 3% or 30% hydrogen peroxide) with water. For example, to make 100 mL of 0.2 M solution from 30% hydrogen peroxide, you would mix 3.33 mL of 30% hydrogen peroxide with 96.67 mL of water. Always handle hydrogen peroxide with care as it is a strong oxidizing agent.

How do you make a 5 volume developer?

To make a 5 volume developer, you would mix equal parts of 10 volume developer (3% hydrogen peroxide) and distilled water. This will dilute the concentration of hydrogen peroxide to achieve a 5 volume strength (1.5% hydrogen peroxide).

Is zonrox chlorox is a kind of hydrogen peroxide?

Zonrox and Clorox are brand names of bleach products that contain sodium hypochlorite as the active ingredient, not hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is a different chemical compound commonly used as a disinfectant and antiseptic.

How do you make hydrogen peroxide water?

See the link below.