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Oxygen will make it impure and will react with the copper making it copper oxide, which isnt as conductive as copper alone

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Q: Why does oxygen decrease the conductivity of copper?
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Which has maximum conductivity of heat?

Copper has the highest conductivity

If you burn copper in oxygen will the weight increase or decrease?

An oxide is formed and the mass is increased.

Does copper possess high or low thermal conductivity?

Copper has a high thermal conductivity, not low. This is a good generalization of any metal, although they vary in conductivity.

Does copper have conductivity?

Copper is good conductr of heat and electricity

Why does conductivity decrease with increasing concentration for all acids?

It doesn't. Conductivity increases with increasing concentration.

How do you increase the conductivity of molten copper?

Magnitize it

Electrical conductivity of copper?

Copper in one of the most electrically conductive of substances. Few materials have more conductivity. These include platinum, gold, and silver.

Which of the following elements conducts electricity bromine mercury oxygen or sulfur?

Bromine, oxygen and sulphur are all non metals, mercury is a metal. Mercury will conduct electricity and heat thou at quite low levels while the others will have negligible conductivity if at all. With metals, conductivity will decrease with an increase in temperature.

What is oxygen's conductivity?

The thermal conductivity of oxygen is 24,24 mW/mK at 1,013 bar and 0 0C.

How can you use copper in science?

It can be used for anything that requires conductivity because copper is conductive.

What is the conductor of electricity for copper?

The electrical conductivity of copper is 1,7241 at 20 oC.

What is HDHC copper?

High density high conductivity