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The rock in the asthenosphere behaves differently from the rock above because the rate of deformation is different.

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Q: Why does rock in the asthenosphere behave differently from the rock above?
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Is Asthenosphere a liquid rock?

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The Asthenosphere.

Why does most of the rock in the asthenosphere remain solid?

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What does the asthenosphere contain?

The asthenosphere contains ultramafic rock that is ductile due to the extreme heat and pressure it experiences.

How are the lithoshphere and asthenosphere similar and how are they different?

The differences and similarities between lithosphere and asthenosphere are as follows. Lithoshphere is made up of rigid rocks flowing above asthenosphere. Asthenosphere has rocks that are more plastic like because they can flow even tho they are still solid rock. The top part of asthenosphere is the same as the lower part of lithosphere, if the top part of asthenosphere cools it then becomes part of lithosphere. Lithosphere and asthenosphere are both made up of the upper part of the mantle on Earth but Lithosphere is also made up of the crust.

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Is the asthenosphere brittle rock?

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The layer of rock that has convection currents flowing?

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The asthenosphere, moves with convection