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To exhibit a foliation one needs the presence of at least two mineral types to form the foliation layering. As quartzite is a single mineral rock, it will remain massive even in environments where the adjacent rock types have become foliated.

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Q: Why doesn't quartzite exhibit foliation?
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What kind of rocks are non-foliated?

Certain metamorphic rocks that do not exhibit foliation (banding, lamellar texture) like quartzite and marble are described as non-foliated.

Do conglomerate have foliation?

With a good eye you maybe could see one but usually they do not exhibit a foliation.

What is nonfoliated texture?

Metamorphic rocks that do not exhibit foliation.

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Schist and gneiss are metamorphic rocks that display foliation, the parallel layering of the minerals caused by immense pressures. Quartzite and marble do not display foliation as they are metamorphosed more by heat than by pressure.

Do all metamorphic rocks show foliation?

No. Non-foliated metamorphic rocks include quartzite and marble.

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The descriptive term is foliated. They are said to exhibit foliation.

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Foliated rocks are distinguished by?

The main way metamorphic rocks are classified is by the presence or absence of foliation. Foliated metamorphic rocks are distinguished by the type of foliation they exhibit. Types of foliation textures, include: slaty, phyllitic, schistose, and gneissi.

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The texture of a rock with aligning parallel platy grains is said to exhibit metamorphic foliation.

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The rock would be described as being foliated.

How does quartzite differ schist?

Quartzite is the product of the metamorphism of a rock (sandstone) which is mostly comprised of one mineral, in most cases, quartz. The metamorphism causes the grains of the sandstone to recrystallize and become larger, without banding or layering occurring.Schist is the product of rocks that have a multitude of mineral constituents, often platy minerals, that under great pressures and heat, align themselves in parallel bands and often have a shiny, flaky texture called foliation. Quartzite is non-foliated.