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the earth has plates because it forms nature

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14y ago

It is definitely hot enough to be molten, but the enormous pressure of the whole planet's mass prevents it from melting.

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7y ago

The extreme pressure in the mantle raises the melting point of the rock, allowing it to remain in a semisolid state.

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Q: Why doesn't the earth's iron core melt?
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How thick is earths inner core?

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Because the earths core would melt you.

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(The layer that is melted material inner core, the inner core can melt iron & nickel.)

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Steam, hold it quiet high above the steam so it doesnt melt.

Is the the inner core a liquid?

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Evidence that earths core has a high iron content comes from?

As material accumulated to form Earth, the high-velocity impact of meteorites and the decay of radioactive elements caused the temperature of our planets to steadily increase. During this time of intense heating, earth became hot enough that iron and nickel began to melt.

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Where does the energy needed to melt the iron come from?

The energy comes from the heat to melt the iron