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Because you determine the ratio between different elements or isotopes. When one of the elements you are looking at is either added to or removed from your sample, this ratio gets distorted, and you won't be able to make a correct guess of the age of your sample.

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Q: Why is a closed system necessary in radiometric dating?
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An accurate radiometric date can be obtained only if the mineral remained a closed system during the entire period since its formation this is why radiometric dating can't be used with accuracy.

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The Jurassic is an age that began about 200 million years ago and stretched for about 50 million years to about 150 million years ago. Radiometric dating can identify certain materials as being from that period, but we don't have a "radiometric system" for the Jurassic, per se. Radiometric dating is part of the radiometric (from radioactive measuring) system we use to investigate a number of different things, including the age of materials found on the earth and elsewhere.

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