

Why is animals important in soil?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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their bodies decompose and enrich the soil so that plants can grow

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Q: Why is animals important in soil?
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Why Soil Is Important To Animals?

It is important because the animals eat the plants grown out of the soil.

Why is soil important to plant and animals?

The soil is important for plants and animals because it helps to decompose.

Why is loamy soil is important for soil living animals?

loamy soil is important for soil living animals because it retains water.Loam is aerated (high content of air) and contains lots of nutrients. For soil living animals it is the best soil.

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trap es nutria for plants and animals

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Soil is important to man because man needs soil to grow crops and plants. If there was no crops or plants the animals would no be able to survive therefore producing no meat for humans etc. Soil is also important for gardening.

Why is soil important to mankind?

in order to be able to grow crops to feed us and animals

Why is the function of soil important?

Soil gives nutrients to plants-plants make oxygen-humans hog up along with all other animals all the oxygen. that is why its important.

Why soil is important to man and animal?

Soil is important to us because it lets the plants grow which we eat on our daily living/life.Like the vegetables and fruits which humans and animals eat.

What is the most important role that burrowing animals play in the formation of soil?

They move the soil around which gives plants just the right amount of room to spread out and grow.

Why is humus important for growth of plants?

Because Humus decays rocks to make soil and soil is a food for plants, which are a food to animals, which are a food to us. So soil is a source if food directly to plants and indirectly to animals and humans (which are mammals)