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An element, chemically related to iodine, chlorine, and fluorine, not known to have any function in the body, and not a dietary essential.

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Q: Why is bromine important to your body?
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How much bromine is in the human body?

0.0004% Bromine Is In The Human Body

Is bromine in the human body and what does it do?

no its not

Is bromine important?


Importance of bromine in your body?

Wala po..... Too much bromine can cause cancer...

How much bromine is there in the average adult body?

In a 70 kg adult, there is approximately 0.2 grams of bromine.

Is bromine used in hot tubs?

If there are high levels of either chlorine or bromine in a hot tub, then these chemicals can be irritating to the skin. Absorbing high levels of bromine can also lead to iodine deficiencies in the body. Chlorine is typically safer.

Is bromine good for your health?

Bromine is in the chemical family of halides, of which iodine is a member. Bromine and iodine are very close to the same size and structure. Our body has receptors and needs for iodine. There is no known use for bromine in the body. Up until the early 1970s, iodine was added to bakery products as a dough conditioner. Then the food industry began substituting bromine for iodine. It has never been made clear why. Since that time, iodine levels have been falling and bromine levels have been rising in our bodies. The consequence of this shift has been immense. In fact, bromine interferes with iodine utilization in the thyroid as well as wherever iodine concentrates in the body. Bromine promotes the formation of goiter and is a known carcinogen. On the other hand, iodine prevents goiter and has anticarcinogenic properties. Remember, iodine concentrates in the glandular tissue of the body - the thyroid, breasts, ovaries, uterus, and probably the prostate gland. Lowering the amount of iodine in them and replacing it with bromine is a recipe for problems in these glandular tissues. Is it any wonder that we are seeing epidemic rates of disease in the thyroid, breasts, ovaries, uterus, and the prostate, when bromine is so toxic?

What is the difference between bromine and liquid bromine?

Liquid bromine is the Real Bromine, while Bromine water is a mixture of Bromine and Water

What is the difference between bromine water and liquid bromine?

Liquid bromine is the Real Bromine, while Bromine water is a mixture of Bromine and Water

Why is bromine important?

allways say to s yah i get it miss thank and the clas will get popcorn

Are ionic bonds important in Br2?

Bromine gas, Br2, has covalent bonds. However, the element bromine does form ionic bonds with other substances (sodium bromide, etc.).

What is chemical name for BrCl?

Bromine Pentachloride is the name of BrCI5.