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why is chlorine more reactive than sulphur? it is not an answer but am asking what is the answer to it please

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Q: Why is chlorine more reactive than sulphur?
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Is chlorine more reactive than aluminum?

Yes, chlorine is a very reactive chemical element.

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Fluorine is more reactive than chlorine.

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Sulphur is more reactive than phosphorus.Phosphorous have more stable valence electrons.

Is fluorine more reactive than chlorine?


Why chlorine is highly reactive than other halogens?

It isn't. Fluorine is more reactive. However, Chlorine is more reactive than Bromine, Iodine and Astatine. It is all to do with molecular size. Fluorine wants to get to a stable 10 electrons to be like Neon more than Chlorine wants to get to get 18 lectrons to be like Argon. This is because the valence/bonding electrons are closer to the nucleus in Fluorine than they are Chlorine and thus more strongly attracted.

Why is chlorine more reactive than bromine?

In most cases, chlorine is more reactive than bromine. This occurs because chlorine has a higher electronegativity than bromine. Thus, chlorine tends to take electrons from other substances more readily than bromine, and thus is more reactive.

Is sulphur more reactive than phosphorus?

Sulfur is a fairly reactive non metal. It burns in air to form sulfur dioxide, it reacts with most metals to make ionic sulfides, and with halogens to make covalent compounds. It does not react with water or acids, but does react with hot alkalis.

Is chlorine more reactive than neon?

Yes, Neon is a noble gas (its outer shell of electrons is full) and does not react with anything, while Chlorine is a halide and is very reactive.

Aluminum bromide plus chlorine yields aluminum chloride and bromide?

Yes. Chlorine is more reactive than bromine.

Is chlorine more reactive than sulfur?

Yes. Generally reactivity increases as you move to the right within a period of the Periodic Table of nonmetals. This of course does not include the inert gases in the last column.

Which is the most active nonmetal out of argon chlorine potassium or selenium?

chlorine is more reactive than selenium. Chlorine needs one electron to form octet whereas selenium needs two.