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Although most people think of color as an important characteristic of a specimen, it is not very useful in identifying a mineral.

  • color is one of the physical properties most commonly used to describe minerals,

    but it is not a very good property to use to identify minerals

  • some minerals are nearly always the same color like azurite (blue) and sulfur (yellow)
  • many minerals come in a variety of colors - the changes are caused by

    slight chemical impurities or through exposure to heat

  • color can change when the surface is exposed to moisture & air - it tarnishes or oxidizes
  • some minerals have common names (varietal names) that describe a specimen

    with a certain color

    eg. Quartz - rock crystal (colorless), smoky quartz (brown), citrine (yellow), amethyst (violet),

    rose quartz (pink)

  • color can be described as metallic or non-metallic and is often described along with

    luster though they are 2 different characteristics

  • rocks are often distinctive or named because of a certain color which occurs because of

    their mineral content

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Q: Why is color commonly unreliable property for identifying minerals?
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Why is color often an unreliable property in identifying minerals?

because many minerals are the same color, and some minerals come in many colors

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The properties in identifying minerals are color,luster,hardness,cleavage and fracture,and streak.

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It's a physical property used in identifying minerals.

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All properties are useful there is no one property that is "least useful".

Why isn't luster a good property to identify minerals?

Luster is not a good property for identifying minerals because many minerals look similar. Your best way of knowing which mineral is which is by measuring their hardness.

What mineral property is the least useful property?

The least effective property used to identify most minerals would be the color. The color of a mineral can be altered by impurities.

Which propety is generally the least useful when identifying minerals?

The color of a mineral is the least useful when identifying minerals. A mineral can exist in various colors. This is because presence of certain chemicals will change the color of the mineral. Weathering can also change the color of the mineral. Therefore color is not a good property to identify minerals.

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only certain minerals display magnetism