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Because without the dust, salt or smoke that make up condensation nuclei there would be no condensation. Without condensation there would be no clouds or rain and the planet would die.

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1mo ago

Condensation nuclei are important because they provide surfaces for water vapor to condense on, which leads to the formation of clouds and precipitation. Without condensation nuclei, the process of cloud formation would be much slower and less efficient, impacting the Earth's water cycle and weather patterns.

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Q: Why is condensation nuclei important for your atmosphere?
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How does condensation nuclei enter the earth's atmosphere?

Condensation nuclei enter the Earth's atmosphere through natural processes such as sea spray, volcanic eruptions, wildfires, and dust storms. Human activities like burning fossil fuels and industrial processes also release condensation nuclei into the atmosphere.

Condensation nuclei are involved in the formation?

Condensation nuclei are tiny particles in the atmosphere on which water vapor condenses to form clouds or fog. These nuclei can be dust, salt particles, or pollutants. They are crucial for cloud formation as they provide a surface for water vapor to condense onto, initiating the cloud formation process.

The most important process of cloud formation in the atmosphere is?

The most important process of cloud formation in the atmosphere is condensation. This occurs when water vapor in the air cools and transforms into liquid water droplets or ice crystals, which gather together to form clouds. Other processes such as air rising, cooling, and the presence of condensation nuclei also play key roles in cloud formation.

What are small particles in the air around which water vapor condenses?

Small particles in the air around which water vapor condenses are called condensation nuclei. These particles can include dust, pollution, salt crystals, or other tiny particles that provide surfaces for water vapor to collect and form into droplets. Without condensation nuclei, it would be more difficult for water vapor to condense into clouds, fog, or precipitation.

Which material is used to provide condensation nuclei in artificial rainmaking?

Silver iodide or solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) are commonly used materials to provide condensation nuclei in artificial rainmaking. These materials help water vapor in the atmosphere to condense, leading to the formation of rain droplets.

Related questions

Why is a condensation nuclei important?

Condensation nuclei are important in the atmosphere because they provide a surface for water vapor to condense onto, forming clouds and precipitation. Without condensation nuclei, it would be more difficult for clouds to form and for precipitation to occur.

How does condensation nuclei enter the earth's atmosphere?

Condensation nuclei enter the Earth's atmosphere through natural processes such as sea spray, volcanic eruptions, wildfires, and dust storms. Human activities like burning fossil fuels and industrial processes also release condensation nuclei into the atmosphere.

What are condensation nuclei?

Condensation nuclei are small particles in the atmosphere that provide a surface for water vapor to condense onto, forming cloud droplets. These particles can include dust, pollution, and salt crystals. The presence of condensation nuclei is essential for the formation of clouds and precipitation in the atmosphere.

What prevents rain from falling continuously as water vapor condenses in the atmosphere?

The condensation of the nuclei

What is the role of nuclei in condensation?

Nuclei in condensation act as sites where water vapor molecules can come together and form droplets. These nuclei provide a surface for water vapor to condense onto, initiating the process of condensation. Without nuclei, condensation would have a harder time starting, and mist or fog formation would be delayed.

What forms around condensation nuclei?

Water droplets form around condensation nuclei, which are tiny particles in the atmosphere that provide a surface for water vapor to condense onto. This process is essential for the formation of clouds and precipitation. Examples of condensation nuclei are dust, salt particles, and pollutants.

Water vapor condenses on tiny particles called condensation?

nuclei, which serve as sites for water vapor to undergo condensation and form droplets. These nuclei can be dust, salt particles, or pollutants present in the atmosphere. Without these nuclei, condensation and cloud formation would be less efficient.

Examples of condensation nuclei?

Condensation nuclei include particles like dust, pollen, sea salt, and volcanic ash. These particles serve as surfaces on which water vapor can condense to form clouds or precipitation. Industrial pollution particles can also act as condensation nuclei in the atmosphere.

Condensation nuclei are involved in the formation?

Condensation nuclei are tiny particles in the atmosphere on which water vapor condenses to form clouds or fog. These nuclei can be dust, salt particles, or pollutants. They are crucial for cloud formation as they provide a surface for water vapor to condense onto, initiating the cloud formation process.

The most important process of cloud formation in the atmosphere is?

The most important process of cloud formation in the atmosphere is condensation. This occurs when water vapor in the air cools and transforms into liquid water droplets or ice crystals, which gather together to form clouds. Other processes such as air rising, cooling, and the presence of condensation nuclei also play key roles in cloud formation.

What are small particles in the air around which water vapor condenses?

Small particles in the air around which water vapor condenses are called condensation nuclei. These particles can include dust, pollution, salt crystals, or other tiny particles that provide surfaces for water vapor to collect and form into droplets. Without condensation nuclei, it would be more difficult for water vapor to condense into clouds, fog, or precipitation.

What is the difference between condensation nuclei and freezing nuclei?

Condensation nuclei are particles in the atmosphere that serve as platforms for water vapor to condense on and form clouds or fog. Freezing nuclei are particles that trigger the formation of ice crystals within a cloud, leading to the process of freezing precipitation like snow or hail.