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It isn't.

Hydrogen dioxide (or more accurately dihydrogen dioxide) is H2O2, more commonly called hydrogen peroxide.

H2O could be accurately called dihydrogen oxide or dihydrogen monoxide.

H2O is Dihydrogen monooxide (AKA Dihydrogen oxide). The "Di" means there are 2 atoms of hydrogen. If you want to be picky, you can put "mono" in front of "oxide". "Mono" means one.

And the reason 'oxide' ends with 'ide' is because that's what you always do to the element name if there are only 2 elements in a compound.

H2O2 is Hydrogen peroxide. The "per" means there is one oxygen atom for each hydrogen atom.

Hydrogen Dioxide would be HO2. However, this simply cannot exist because the only hydrogen atom can lose one electron, but you have 2 oxygen atoms, each needing 2 electrons. You'd simply be cut short.

And a rule of thumb: Capitalize the first letter of the first element name in a formula, but the rest is lowercase.

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As you answer suggests, the elements are hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen oxide???? I think you mean 'Water'. , which is hydrogen oxide. (H2O). Universally , hydrogen oxide is never referred to as such, but ALWAYS , water'.

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H2oThe symbol for hydrogen oxide is HO2H2O Because Hydrogen Oxide can be water.The most common meaning of Hydrogen oxide is Water which has formula H2O. Though there are some other Oxides of Hydrogen :> Hydrogen peroxide = H2O2> Hydroperoxyl = HO2> Trioxidane = H2O3Heres the real formula since the last answer may have not got the point across H subscript 2, O (H2O) is the the answer. Its just water!Hydrogen and oxygen carry charges of +1 and +2 respectively. When they react the typical oxide they form is in fact H2O, called hydrogen oxide which is commonly known as water.H2oHO2Hydrogen oxide is an unofficial name for water (it has several unofficial names) so its chemical symbol is H2O.

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Water H2O is the oxide of hydrogen. It is thus a non-metal oxide.

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H2O is probably the best candidate It can be considered as oxide of hydrogen.

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The molecular formula of water is H2O, where H is hydrogen and O is oxygen. Water is the oxide of hydrogen, therefore it's called Hydrogen Oxide.