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Iodine's electron configuration is 2, 8, 18, 18, 7; bromine's is 2, 8, 18, 7. At the simplest level of modelling there is one more electron shell occupying space in an iodine atom than in one of bromine.

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Q: Why is iodine larger than bromine?
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Why does a aqueous solution of iodine not react with sodium bromide?

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Can iodine displace bromine?

No. Bromine is more reactive than iodine. Therefore, bromine will displace iodine.

Which halogen is more active chlorine bromine or iodine?

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Why can't iodine be used to displace bromine from sodium bromide?

Iodine is lower in the halogen displacement series than bromine, i.e., iodine is less electronegative than bromine. However both chlorine and fluorine can displace bromine in sodium bromide, as they are more electronegative.

Why iodine is less reactive than bromine?

Bromine has more nuclear charge as compared to iodine. So, bromine easily attracts an electron and hence more reactive.

Why is the radius of an atom of iodine greater than the radius of bromine atom?

An iodine atom has one more principal energy level than a bromine atom. Therefore the radius of an iodine atom is greater than the latter.

Which is more reactive bromine or iodine?

It is because bromine is smaller in size than iodine and hence easily reacts. Another reason is that bromine is the more electronegative than iodine and hence it attracts the electrons very easily from other atoms to form bonds.

How many noble gases will be larger than bromine?

the noble gases, krypton, xenon and radon are larger than bromine

What is a halogen in period 4?

Bromine is in 4th period of periodic table.

Why has bromine got a bigger atomic radius than iodine?

Bromine has a SMALLER atomic radius because it has one more electron shell than Iodine. On the periodic table, atomic radius of an atom decreases across a period and increases down a group. Since Bromine and Iodine are in the same group, you know Bromine has a smaller atomic radius because it is in a lower period.

What is the element size of bromine?

Its atom size is bigger than Chlorine but smaller than Iodine