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We do not really know that it is impossible to have isolated north or south magnetic poles on their own, rather than coming in north-south combinations as we usually find them. Physicists believe that there may exist sub-atomic particles called monopoles which have only one pole, north or south, per particle. These have so far never been found, however.

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Q: Why is it impossible to get N and S poles on their own?
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State the rule that describes the behavior of magnetic poles?

Same poles attract where as opposite poles repel. N-N= repel N-S=attract S-N=attract S-S=repel

How do north and south poles of 2 magnets react to each other?

Opposite poles attract (so they stick together.) Similar poles (N&N, or S&S.) don't stick together. They push away from each other.

Are north poles and south poles antipodal to each other?

Not necessarily - consider a horseshoe magnet for example, both N and S poles are close to each other. The N and S poles on the Earth are roughly opposite each other. Both poles wander somewhat, and the S pole is travelling NNE steadily at the moment.

Why the poles are slightly inward from the ends?

Magnetic fields have no poles. The poles in a magnet symbol are just for illustration of where the magnetic dipoles end. The dipoles cannot extend out the material boundary by definition. Inside a magnetic, the aligned dipole N "cancel" the dipole S of its neighbor like so: | N-S N-S ... N-S N-S N-S | basically is just | N-S |. Please see the related link. =============================

Magnetic poles that are alike?

No, there are two magnetic poles denoted by North (N) and South (S). N does not attract N, S does not attract S. N & S attract each other. Like pole repel.

What are the latitude of the equator and the poles?

equator latitude:0 n pole:90 n s pole:90 s

How have switches in the location of earths magnetic poles been determined?

Magnetism leaves particles in molten metals lined up with north and south poles (magnetic poles, not the Earth's poles). Over time different layers of rock show that the N-S and S-N poles have switched, with S pointing in one direction and S pointing in a different direction depending on the age of the rock.

A magnet suspended on a string or floating in water will always point in this direction?

N poles attract the S poles.

Which latitudes correspond to the North and South poles?

You can find both poles at 90 degrees, N and S, respectively.

What is the latitude of the north and south poles?

90 N and S, respectively.

Which poles on a magnet will repel?

Like poles repel, opposites attract. So a N pole of one bar magnet will repel the N pole of another bar magnet. And the same applies to two S poles.

What happen when like poles n and n or s and s are place together?

They push away (repel). unlike when north and south are put together