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Because the Chlorine gas doesn't have enough attraction to itself to condense into a solid but the MgCl2 doesn't have enough energy to shake it's bonds loose and become a gas. The MgCl2 is solid because they stuck together by different types of bonding but those bonds aren't strong enough in Cl.

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Q: Why is magnesium chloride a solid and chlorine a gas at room temperature?
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What state is magnesium chloride at room temperature?

Magnesium chloride is a solid at room temperature.

What is the formula of the compound nade by combining magnesium with chlorine?

The compound is magnesium chloride, an ionically bonded solid at standard temperature and pressure, with formula MgCl2.

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Solid Chlorine?

What is the physical state of sodium chlorine at room temperature?

Crystalline solid. the combination of sodium and chlorine is sodium chloride, also known as table salt.

Is potassium chloride a metal?

Potassium Chloride (KCl) is a salt made up of Potassium (which IS a metal) and Chlorine, which is a gas. The compound is a solid at room temperature.

Is chlorine gas Cl or Cl2?

Yes, Cl2 is chlorine gas which is pale-yellow green at room temperature.

Is the element magnesium a solid liquid or gas?

Magnesium is in the state of a solid form.

Is magnesium chloride a solid liquid or gas?

Ionic compounds tend to have high melting points and even higher boiling points. Magnesium iodide is very definitely a solid at the temperature of any room I'd want to be in. Its boiling point is over 1000 degrees Celsius.

Is calcium chloride a salt?

Calcium chloride, CaCl2, is a salt and the compound of calcium and chlorine. It behaves as a typical ionic halide, and is solid at room temperature.

In what state of matter is calcium nitrate at room temperature?

Melting point 561 °C (anhydrous) 42.7 °C (tetrahydrate)Boiling point decomposes (anhydrous) 132 °C (tetrahydrate) Calcium nitrate has the above data from the relevant wikipedia page. This means that at room temp (250C), it is solid

Why is sodium chloride a gas at room temperature?

Sodium chloride is a solid at room temperature.

Is sodium a liquid solid or gas?

It is a solid that can be liquefied In order to retrieve it to the solid form you need to allow the liquid to evaporate. It will leave the solid form. It is salt when chlorine is added, creating sodium chloride.