

Why is oxygen not combustible?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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14y ago

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oxygen is combustible, carbon dioxide isnt

Whomever wrote the above answer obviously never took basic science classes.


The danger of compressed O2 cannisters is that they are under high pressure. O2 in & of itself will not burn. It is a major component of the "Fire Triangle"; the 3 things needed for fire to exist (1. a fuel source 2. heat 3. Oxygen). Take away any one of these items and it is impossible for a fire to exist.

You bring a stream of compressed O2 near an open flame, the flame will burn hotter but the Oxygen itself WILL NOT IGNITE.

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Hydrogen gas in pure form is 2 hydrogen atoms connected together (H-H)<=Lewis drawing

Oxygen gas in pure form is 2 oxygen atoms connected together (O=O)

Water is a completely different chemical. Water is one oxygen connected to two hydrogens. (H-O-H*) This molecule is much more stable than either pure oxygen or hydrogen.

A chemical is not just a sum of all the elements in it. Due to the unique way the electrons are shared, each chemical has different properties.

These gasses are bonded with covalent bonds. This means that the electrons are shared between the atoms. Enough atoms are shared so that each atom has 8 electrons in its highest shell (or 2 electrons in the case of hydrogen) This is why Oxygen has 2 bonds/shared electrons in my Lewis drawings, while hydrogen only has one.

* this is not a completely accurate Lewis drawing. Water actually has 2 lone electron pairs, which force the molecule into a bent shape. But that is irrelevant for this discussion. If you look up water on wikipedia and look at the picture of the molecule you will see what a bent molecule looks like.

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What gas from the air is needed for combustion?

the three essentials for combustion are :- (i) combustible substance (ii) oxygen (iii) ignition temperature

What gas in the air makes fire?

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How is water different from the elements which made them?

Hydrogen gas and oxygen gas are gases at room temperature. Oxygen supports combustion and hydrogen is very combustible. Water is a liquid at room temperature and is not combustible and does not support combustion.

What will happen if oxygen is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere?

Other materials that are not combustible or only very slightly combustible under normal conditions can become very combustible and hazardous when oxygen levels are high. Also, many things will be hot or will smolder when deprived of air and will suddenly burst into flames when exposed to the oxygen that's in our air. Since oxygen is required for the burning we see, the sudden combustion in these examples would be more dangerous if the oxygen concentration were higher.