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Petrol is more efficient as a fuel than ethanol, because the energy generated by burning a fuel is primarily released by formation of bonds between oxygen and carbon or hydrogen. One such bond already exists in an ethanol molecule, whereas in petrol few or no such bonds exist.

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Petrol has a higher energy content per unit volume compared to ethanol, which results in better fuel efficiency. Additionally, petrol engines are typically optimized to run on petrol, leading to more efficient combustion. Ethanol also has a lower energy density compared to petrol, leading to reduced fuel efficiency.

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Q: Why is petrol more efficient than ethanol?
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What amount of ethanol is needed to produce the equilavent a liter of petrol energy wise?

To produce the equivalent energy of one liter of petrol, you would need approximately 0.67 liters of ethanol. Ethanol contains about 67% of the energy content of petrol. However, please note that the exact energy content can vary based on the ethanol blend and the specific energy content of the petrol being compared.

Is hexane more dense than ethanol?

Yes, hexane is more dense than ethanol. Hexane has a density of about 0.66 grams per milliliter, while ethanol has a density of about 0.79 grams per milliliter.

Why isn't petrol burned in power stations?

Petrol is not typically burned in power stations because it is more commonly used as a fuel for vehicles due to its high energy density. Power stations tend to use fuels like coal, natural gas, or renewable sources such as solar or wind because they are more suitable for generating electricity on a larger scale. These fuels are often more cost-effective and efficient for power generation than petrol.

Why is water a better conductor than ethanol?

Water is a better conductor than ethanol because it contains ions that can move freely and carry electrical charges, while ethanol does not dissociate into ions as readily. This means that water can facilitate the flow of electricity more easily than ethanol.

Is the reacrion of ethanol with sodium more vigorous than water with sodium?

Yes, the reaction of ethanol with sodium is generally more vigorous than water with sodium. This is because ethanol is more polar than water, allowing it to facilitate faster reactions. Ethanol also has a lower dielectric constant, which promotes higher reactivity with sodium.

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Which is more efficient a petrol engine or a diesel engine?

It will depend upon the conditions. Under normal operating conditions a diesel engine is more efficient than a petrol engine.

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What are advantages of petrol?

1) It's cheaper than Deisel and 2) Petrol cars go faster! (~8

Why diesel gives more milage than petrol and petrol car costly than diesel?

Diesel engines are more efficient and do use less fuel, but they do not cost less than a petrol engine, they cost more. Diesel fuel also costs more. A diesel engine will however last longer.

What is better a diesel or petrol engine?

It's more a question of "different", than "better". Petrol engines can have better power-to-weight ratios, while diesels are a little more efficient.

Is diesel or petrol more efficient?

Diesel engines are more efficient. They get better mileage, produce more torque, and last much longer than a gasoline engine. They are also more expensive to build.

Does the toyota solara run on ethanol?

Yes a toyota solara can run on ethanol fuel. There is a conversion kit that can be bought for a few hundred dollars, and it's well worth it, as ethanol fuel is cheaper than gasoline, and more efficient.

Why petrol engines are faster than diesel engines?

Petrol engines are widely considered to be the most efficient of engines, because they are more refined than diesel. Since diesel is not completely refined, it cannot completely combust and so does not (in theory) produce as much energy per litre of fuel as a petrol engine. However, some diesel engines can be made to be much more efficient than petrol engines because they have a different type of fuel, and burn it in a different way. Petrol engines are widely considered to be the most efficient of engines, because they are more refined than diesel. Since diesel is not completely refined, it cannot completely combust and so does not (in theory) produce as much energy per litre of fuel as a petrol engine. However, some diesel engines can be made to be much more efficient than petrol engines because they have a different type of fuel, and burn it in a different way.

What amount of ethanol is needed to produce the equilavent a liter of petrol energy wise?

To produce the equivalent energy of one liter of petrol, you would need approximately 0.67 liters of ethanol. Ethanol contains about 67% of the energy content of petrol. However, please note that the exact energy content can vary based on the ethanol blend and the specific energy content of the petrol being compared.

Is ethanol more volatile than acetone?

Acetone is more volatile than ethanol.

Why isn't alcohol production from biomass energy efficient?

distillation. Boiling the solution requires more energy than the energy content of the ethanol present.

Why is a hydrogen engine more powerful than a petrol engine?

As hydrogen releases more energy than petrol, H engine is more powerful than petrol .