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The fossil record is incomplete.

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Q: Why is the fossil record unable to provide a full portrait of the times in which the fossilized animals and plants lived?
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Why is the fossil record unable to provide a full portrait of the times in which the fossilized animals and plants live?

The fossil record is incomplete.

What was fossil fuel originally?

live animals and plants, which later died and eventually became fossilized

Is the fossil complete?

No, the fossil record is not complete. Not all animals and plants were fossilized during the last 4 billion years of the earths existence.

Is the fossil record complete?

No, the fossil record is not complete. Not all animals and plants were fossilized during the last 4 billion years of the earths existence.

Did scavengers aid fossil formation?

No. Scavengers eat the bodies of dead animals, making it less likely that they will be fossilized.

What is the verb form of fossil?

Fossilize The dinosaur was fossilized The snail shell will be fossilized if it is not disturbed.

What is the cover fossil?

The Cover Fossil would be the fossilized remains of Tirtouga.

What is the alternative of the fossil fuel of coal?

Fossil fuels-including coal, natural gas, and oil-are formed from the fossilized remains of prehistoric plants and animals, and fossil fuels provide about 95% of the world's total energy. Alternative fuels are better for the environment and often better for the economy than fossil fuels. Learn about the controversies and conservation plans surrounding fossil fuels, and explore the alternatives.

What is fossilized?

Fuel from coal and petroleum, which is believed to be of fossil origin.Fuel from coal and petroleum, which is believed to be of fossil origin.Fuel from coal and petroleum, which is believed to be of fossil origin.Fuel from coal and petroleum, which is believed to be of fossil origin.

Is wood a type of fossil fuel?

Wood is not yet fossilized. Fossilized wood is called "coal".

What is it called when an organism is fossilized by ice?

Frozen fossil

What is a stone fossil of a tree?

A tree fossilized by petrification process becomes a stone fossil