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The sky inside a rainbow appears brighter because raindrops refract and reflect sunlight, making the sky outside the bow relatively darker. This creates a contrast in brightness and color perception that makes the sky inside the rainbow seem brighter.

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Why is the sky under a rainbow usually lighter than the sky around it?

The sky under a rainbow is usually lighter because the raindrops that create the rainbow scatter and disperse light, making the area underneath appear brighter. This phenomenon occurs due to the interaction of sunlight, water droplets in the air, and the observer's angle.

Can two rainbows be visible in the sky?

Yes, two rainbows can be visible in the sky when there is a double rainbow phenomenon. The primary rainbow is always at a higher angle than the secondary rainbow and is brighter, while the colors of the secondary rainbow appear in the reverse order. This occurs due to the reflection, refraction, and dispersion of sunlight inside raindrops.

Why is the night sky brighter when the full Moon is in the sky?

It's the same as the sky is brighter when the Sun is up, only not as much.

Why does rainbow can be seen at day time?

Rainbows can be seen during the day when the sun is shining and rain is falling at the same time. The sunlight is refracted and reflected by the raindrops, creating the spectrum of colors that form a rainbow. It is important to be at the right angle to the sunlight and rain to see a rainbow during the day.

What are the colors of the rainbow and how many colors?

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, indigo . Seven(7) colours. NB When observing a rainbow in the sky;- Red is always on the outside of the bow. Inigo(blue) is always on the inside of the bow. Outside the red arc, the sky is darker, (light bending) Inside the indigo arc, the sky is lighter, (light bending again). When observing a rainbow, the centre of the rainbow is in a direct line between the Sun(at your back), you and the rainbow centre. NNB The angle from the centre line of the rainbow to the arc is 42 degrees. NNNB A very bright rainbow will produce a reflected rainbow outside the primary rainbow; the colours are reversed.

Which appear in the sky after rain?

If it is sunny after the rain has stopped, you are likely to see a rainbow in the sky.

Why there is a rainbow after the rain?

A rainbow forms when sunlight is refracted, or bent, and reflected inside raindrops, splitting the light into its various colors. The different colors then appear as a circular arc in the sky as they are separated.

Where do you see rainbow?

In the sky

When was God Put a Rainbow in the Sky created?

God Put a Rainbow in the Sky was created on 2007-05-02.

What is brighter that any single star?

Moon in the sky.

What star is brighter than Sirius?

The star Canopus is brighter than Sirius. Canopus is the second brightest star in the night sky after Sirius and can be seen from most parts of the Earth's surface.

What 2 objects are brighter in the sky than Venus?

The Sun and the Moon are the only celestial objects that appear brighter in the sky than Venus.