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The sun is yellow because it emits more photons with a wavelength and frequency of what our brain interprets as yellow light. The colour of stars, like the sun, depends on how hot they are. A red star is cooler than a yellow star, which is cooler than a blue star. Our sun is about in the middle range (slightly above average). The colour of stars is when an equilibrium is reached between the rate of thermonuclear reactions inside the star, and the amount of heat emited at the surface. At that equilibrium stars can last many billions of years. (factors to take into account when astronomers calculate the color of stars include: mass, size, gravitational force). Now you might wonder what made the sun of such a mass and size and the answer has to due with the initial formation of the solar system. Also remember that stars can change their size in the long run, thus we expect the sun to become a red giant in a couple of billions of years (that would mean that it has "cooled off" - it is more complicated than that but that's good enough for now. For more information check out official astronomy websites)

The sky is blue because the atmosphere reflects light from the sun in a specific way. The atmosphere is composed of air vapor and molecules such as nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules. Because of the size and structure of these molecules, light with a shorter wavelength (blue) will be scattered more readily than light with longer wavelength (red). Therefore more blue light is scattered in the atmosphere, making the sky blue. This is to our benefit because shorter wavelength light (higher frequency) is harmful to our DNA, and by scattering it, less reaches the Earth's surface.

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Q: Why is the sun yellow and the sky blue?
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Why is the sky and water blue?

The sky is blue because of Rayleigh scattering -- blue photons scatter off air molecules to a large extent, while the other colors travel directly in straight lines from the sun, making the sky appear blue and the sun appear yellow (white minus blue). In space, or on the airless moon, the sky is black and sun is white. It is NOT true that oceans look blue due to sky reflection. Water also scatters blue light, so the explanation of its color is largely the same as that for the sky.

Why the sky changes color at sunset?

As you may know, when you mix the colors yellow and green, you get the color blue. The yellow from the sun reflects off of the green ground, making the sky look blue. At night, when there is no sun, you see that the sky isn't blue anymore. This is actually what the sky looks like all the time. The blue color is just an optical illusion. It is quite amazing though.

Are moon and sun the same?

No. The sun is the bright yellow thing in the sky. The moon is the big white thing in the sky.

What do the colors mean in The Man to Send Rain Clouds?

I believe the colors are related to nature~ White = clouds OR Air; Blue= Sky OR water; Yellow= Sun OR Fire; Green= Earth

How far is the blue sky from the earth?

The sky isn't necessarily there, the blue factor of the sky is created when all of the Earth's water reflects off the sun, and bounces back to Earth. So the sky is kind of like a mirage: you can see it but its not really there. Therefor since it is not there, there is no distance from the Earth to the sky.

Related questions

Why does the sky look blue and the sun look yellow during the day?

it's because it just does

When humans look at the sky it appears blue but the Sun appears yellow. What causes this phenomenon?

The atmosphere scatters blue light more than yellow light.

What is the name of the yellow star in the sky?

The yellow star in the sky is the Sun.

Why is the sky not yellow?

The sky isn't yellow because it is blue!!!! HA!

Why is grass green instead of blue?

Well, the grass is green because the sky is blue and the sun is yellow so mix them together and you get GREEN!!!

Why sky is not banana coloured?

A clear cloudless day-time sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter yellow light.

When does the blue sky turn from blue to sunset?

The sun goes down and the moon passes it by the sun alone is yellow by earth, but once the sun and moon pass each other the moon gives it the orange

What color would the sky be if there was no ocean?

under the clouds it would probably be space or yellow depending on the time and the sun

What color is the Argentinian flag?

The colors of the Argentinian flags are sky blue, white and yellow. it has a white color middle area where a yellow color sun picture is visible. However the top and bottom borders are sky blue.

What color does the sky have when there are no clouds?

the sky is definitely yellow :)

What does blue and yellow symbol mean?

the blue means the sky and the yellow means the yellow grass and wheat.

What does the blue on the Mayan flag mean?

The blue on the Mayan flag stands for the sky. (in case you want to know, the red is for fire, the white for peace and the yellow for the sun)