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When an organic compound is heated strongly with sodium, any halogens, nitrogen, and sulfur will be converted into inorganic sodium salts such as sodium halide (for halides), sodium cyanide(for nitrogen), sodium sulfide (for sulfur), and sodium thiocyanate (for sulfur and nitrogen).The nitrogen is confirmed with ferrous sulfate i.e. iron sulfate.

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Q: Why only sodium metal is used for sodium fusion test?
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Why only sodium is used in Lassaigne's test?

because of its electropositive nature. it is cheap also. although potassium can be used but it is costly... and lithium is less electropositive... Lassaigne's test is a test for the detection of halogens, nitrogen and sulphur in an organic compound. These elements are covalently bonded to the organic compounds. In order to detect them, these have to be converted into their ionic forms. This is done by fusing the organic compound with sodium metal. The ionic compounds formed during the fusion are extracted in aqueous solution and can be detected by simple chemical tests. The extract is called sodium fusion extract or Lassaigne's extract.

Why sodium metal is used in lassaignes test?

The compounds of sodium are soluble that is why it is used.

What color flame test does sodium nitrate give?

All sodium salts will give a yellow flame test, because of the metal sodium in the compounds.

What is the purpose of a sodium fusion test?

sodium metal is highly reactive, has low melting point and near unversal solubility of its compounds. the elements like N, X, S cannot be detected in organic compounds due to their stable covalent nature. Hence, these are converted into ionic forms by simply fusing with sodium metal and performing simple tests.

What is a cation test?

Testing for cations is a test used in chemistry to identify metal or metal ions (cations) found in compounds. ... This test uses sodium hydroxide or aqueous ammonia to test and identify metal ions by the precipitation formed.

Is the flame colour a test for the metal or for the nitrate in each compound?

for the metal present. copper is green, sodium is orange, etc.

Why is the flame test used?

To identify the presence of certain metal ions, such as sodium and caesium.

What can you do to test if a metal is a pure metal?

This is possible only by using spectrometric method of analysis.

Why must a test tube be dry before adding sodium metal?

The sodium is very reactive with water. Exothermic reaction, lots of heat and fire. See the related question below.

What are used to identify substances?

odour,melting/boling point,solubility in water,sooty or non- sooty flame on combusion,sodium fusion test,colour on adding KMnO4..

What color does sodium hydroxide burn in a flame test?

Bright yellow :: This is the sodium ions. Any sodium compound will give a flame test colour of yellow/

What is Procedure of assay test of sodium acid citrate?

assay test of sodium acid citrate