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why do pieces of earths earliest crust not exist today

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Q: Why pieces of earth's earliest crust do not exist today?
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Why is the earths crust is so important for human life to exist?

We live on the earth's crust that floats on molten magma. Which means we couldn't exist if there was no crust!

Nitrogen is found in nearly every mineral in the earths crust?

This affirmation is not true; nitrogen exist only in some minerals (see the list below).

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earths mantle is made of silicon,iron,aluminum,calcium,sodium,potassium,magnesium,and mostly oxygen

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Most convection currents exist in the mantle, the layer below the Earth's crust. As the semi-molten rock heats up, it rises closer to the surface, and it sinks as it cools. This is how plate tectonics works, as the crust's plates move on these currents.

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Sedimentary rock covers much of the Earth's crust.

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Dubnium is an artificial chemical element and don't exist in the Earth crust.

Where layer inside the earth water will exist?

Only on the crust

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carbon exist in earth crust as 0.02% and in atmosphere 0.03%

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Scientists believe that there is liquid water, under the crust of Europa.

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