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Because if the sea level rises to much (because of the melting ice caps) it can cause floods of land that are not that high above sea level.

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1mo ago

Rising sea levels can lead to coastal flooding, displacement of communities, loss of habitat, and increased storm surge damage. This can impact infrastructure, agriculture, and economies, making it a serious threat to human life and livelihoods. Understanding and addressing the causes of rising sea levels is crucial for mitigating these risks.

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Australia may have no choice. The wealthy countries that have contributed to global warming and rising sea levels can hardly ignore the plight of those people who then lose their homes on low-lying islands.

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Rising sea levels are a concern in the Netherlands because a significant portion of the country is below sea level. This puts it at risk of flooding and coastal erosion if sea levels continue to rise. The Dutch have implemented various flood protection measures such as dikes and sea walls to mitigate this risk.

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Kiribati is in danger of rising sea levels

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Melting of glaciers.

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There is no connection between reduced ozone and rising sea levels.Rising sea levels are being caused by the melting of land ice (Greenland and Antarctica, as well as glaciers) and the expansion of water as the oceans become warmer.

How do you test how global warming affects weather?

Global warming affects the climate. Scientists can measure:the rising levels of greenhouse gases,the rising temperatures,the rising sea levels,the rising number of weather events like heatwaves, floods and storms.

What are the threats of coral reef?

coral reef bleaching storms oil spills human intervention over fishing erosion rising sea levels rising sea temperatures

Will rising sea levels affect the Gulf stream?

Yes, the thermohaline currents will be affected.