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Q: Why when hurricanes form during a new moon they are more damaging than ones formed during the third quarter of the lunar cycle?
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Related questions

What natural disasters are formed because of hurricanes?

Storm surges are formed during hurricanes.

Was Bermuda formed by hurricanes?

No. Hurricanes cannot produce islands of solid rock. Bermuda was formed by a now extinct volcano.

Are hurricanes formed in the troposphere?


Are hurricanes formed over the Sahara Desert?

No, hurricanes must form over the ocean.

Why do hurricanes occur in the South?

Because in the South they have warm waters that can cause hurricanes. Hurricanes are formed with warm water temperatures.

Where are hurricanes most formed?

IN the open ocean.

How the islands of japan were formed and landscape?


Are hurricanes formed by weather?

Yes. Hurricanes are atmospheric phenomena that are cause by certain weather conditions.

Why are hurricanes not formed near Canada?

Hurricanes need warm ocean water to form. The waters near Canada are to cold for hurricanes to form.

Are all hurricanes formed the same way?

No ..... hurricanes are not formed in the same way some can be stronger some can be lighter. Most hurricanes form from tropical disturbances that organize and intensify. However, some hurricanes develop when a subtropical or extratropical low takes on tropical characteristics.

Is where a cyclone formed?

cyclones are formed over the pacific ocean

What are hurricanes that formed in Asia?

They are called typhoons. :D