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Because its less dense

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Q: Why would a certain thickness of continental crust displace less of the mantle than the same thickness of oceanic crust?
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What layer of crust averages 25 miles in thickness?

Continental crust.

Differences of the continental crust and oceanic crust?

Thickness - continental = much thickerDensity - oceanic crust is denser than continental, which is why the oceanic crust subducts under the continental at destructive plates boundaries.

What are the differences between the continental crust and the oceanic crust?

CONTINENTAL CRUST is 35km of thickness and oceanic is 7 km. i hope that helped

What is the average thickness of Earth's crust?

The Earths Crust can be divided between Oceanic Crust and Continental Crust. Oceanic and Continental Crust are quiet different. The thickness of oceanic crust is between 5km and 10km. It is made of mainly basalt, grabbo and diabise. The thickness of continental crust is between 30km and 50km. It is made up of lighter rocks such as granite.

What are the three differences between oceanic and Continental crust?

CONTINENTAL CRUST is 35km of thickness and oceanic is 7 km. i hope that helped

What is the thickness in miles of the earths crust?

Oceanic and continental combined is approximately 25 miles.

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What is the difference between the thickness of the continetal crust and oceanic crust?

In technical terms, the oceanic crust is denser than the continental crust so when the continental crust and the oceanic crust meet the continental crust will sink under and the oceanic crust will slide over and a volcano will be formed as well as producing earthquakes in the process.

C There are two types of tectonic plates oceanic and continental what is the difference between these two types of plates?

The lithosphere displaces the asthenoshpere. Thick tectonic plates, such as those made of continental crust, displace more asthenosphere than do thin plates, such as those made of oceanic lithosphere. The lithosphere displaces the asthenoshpere. Thick tectonic plates, such as those made of continental crust, displace more asthenosphere than do thin plates, such as those made of oceanic lithosphere.

How does the thickness of continental crust differ from that oceanic crust?

There is actually a difference between the thickness of the two. The fact is, however, that actual variance of the Earth's crust is larger than the variance between the continental and oceanic crusts. However, here is the data- The Earth's crust is comprised of layers- the continental crusts are between 35-70 km thick while the oceanic crusts are between 5-10 km thick

What 3 types of convergent boundaries exist?

Oceanic-Continental, Oceanic-Oceanic, and Continental-Continental.

How is continental lithosphere different from oceanic lithosphere?

Continental plates are thicker and less dense. Continental plates are mainly granitic in composition. Oceanic plates are mainly basaltic in composition. The rock of continental plates is on average, much older than the rock of the oceanic plates. The oceanic plate underlies the oceans, and the continental plate makes up the land masses. Continental plates do not subduct at convergent plate boundaries.