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No, bleach and sugar water won't make an explosion but they'll cause a reaction.

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Q: Will mixing bleach and sugar cause a chemical reaction?
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Related questions

What exactly is a chemical reaction?

A chemical reaction is what takes place when two or more opposing chemical come together and cause some sort of reaction, either positive or negative. An example would be mixing bleach and ammonia which will trigger a very noxious smell which can lead to serious illness.

Does bleach hurt plastic?

Depends on the what kind of plastic, some cause a chemical reaction when put together with bleach.

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What two household chemical cleaners must you never mix?

If you mix ammonia and bleach, you will produce toxic gases. Ammonia can be found in such products as window cleaners, oven cleaners, and all purpose cleaners. Bleach products are usually labeled bleach.

Can people be allergic to bleach?

To my kowledge, there is no bleach in rice.

Does bleach cause brain damage?

It depends if you're exposed to large amounts of bleach it could cause coughing, nausea, shortness of breath, watery eyes, chest pains, irritation to the throat, nose and eyes, and wheezing. If you are exposed to a large amounts of bleach it will not cause brain damage but may cause respiratory damage. If you where to mix bleach with other chemicals such as ammonia or if you where to swallow bleach you could risk getting brain damage. If you mix bleach with ammonia it causes a toxic gas. Ammonia is found in urine so mixing bleach and urine can cause a reaction which then causes a toxic gas to be released. To avoid this flush your toilet before putting bleach inside of it to clean. Also mixing bleach with other household cleaners can cause chemical reactions that also cause toxic gases. Avoid swallowing bleach as it can cause brain damage but worst it can kill you. Yes and No bleach can cause brain damage in some cases if you mix it with other cleaning products or ingest it. It will not cause brain damage if do not mix it with other chemicals.

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Does food coloring cause a chemical reaction?

no, food coloring doesn't cause a chemical reaction, it is essenctially like water.

What happens when you mix bleach and shower cleaner?

Careful mixing cleaning product with bleach or ammonia. It can cause deadly fumes, ALWAYS keep a window open for fresh air.

Is using bleach to remove a stain a physical or chemical change and why?

When bleaching your shirt it is a chemical change.

Can a stainless steel mixing bowl cause chemical contamination?

A clean stainless steel bowl will not cause chemical contamination, which is why you use them.

Can alcohol and sharpie cause a chemical reaction?

Any reaction occur.