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No, neon already has 8 electrons in its outer shell. Why would it need more?

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3mo ago

No, neon and lithium will not bond with each other. Neon is a noble gas and is chemically inert, meaning it does not readily form bonds with other elements. Lithium, on the other hand, is a highly reactive metal that can form bonds with other elements to achieve a stable electron configuration.

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Q: Will neon and lithium bond with each other?
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Lithium is more reactive than neon. Lithium readily reacts with water and oxygen, while neon is a noble gas and is known for its inertness and lack of reactivity.

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Neon exist as an inert gas. It does not react under room conditions. When 2 neon atoms meet, they are not going to bond with each other. If they are reacted within a more complicated compound, they are likely to form dative bonds with other elements.

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Lithium in group 1 is more reactive than neon in group 18. Lithium readily reacts with water and air to form compounds, while neon is a noble gas and is very stable and unreactive due to its full valence shell.

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Argon and Neon do not form bonds with each other; they are noble gases and exist as individual atoms. Noble gases are generally inert and do not readily form chemical bonds with other elements.

What happens when you combine the elements lithium and neon?

When lithium and neon are combined, no reaction occurs because both elements are inert gases at standard conditions and do not readily form chemical compounds.

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No, hydrogen and neon are unlikely to bond because they are both noble gases with full outer electron shells, making them stable and not likely to form bonds with other atoms.

Why doesn't neon bond with any element?

Neon does not bond with any other element because it is a noble gas with a full outer electron shell. It already has a stable configuration, making it non-reactive and not in need of forming chemical bonds to reach a more stable state.

Is neon lithium?

No. Lithium is an element with atomic number 3 (or 3 protons) and neon is an element with atomic number 10 (or 10 protons). Both are not same.

What does the element neon best bond with?

Neon is an inert gas and is not known to form chemical bonds with other elements under normal conditions.

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