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because the plates the mantle would slide under each other hitting the mantle causing the magma to erup causing volcano

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Q: Would the most violent earthquakes be associated with spreading centers or with subduction zone?
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Related questions

Would the most violent earth quacks be associated with spreading centers or subduction zones?

subduction zones

What do volcanic belts form along on?

Both subduction zones and spreading centers.

What types of volcanoes are formed at spreading centers?

Volcanoes at spreading centers is referred to as spreading center volcanism. This usually takes place on mid-oceanic ridges where the plates diverge.

Ocean ridges generally are located where?

At spreading centers.

What boundary type is sea floor spreading?

These ridges are spreading centers or divergent plate boundaries

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Microtubule producing centers are most closely associated with?

Divergent Boundaries are also called?

Spreading centers.

Explain the relationship between trenches and seafloor spreading?

1. New sea-floor is created by the upwelling of magma at mid-ocean spreading centers; old ocean floor is destroyed by subduction at deep sea trenches. 2. The area is a subduction zone. Magma from underground comes up and destroys that crust. That crust is then recycled and the magma cools and hardens. That creates new land, that creates the trenches. Seafloor spreading is in the ocean and happens with convection currents. That is the relationship between. 3. As new seafloor is formed at mid-ocean ridges, the old seafloor is pushed down into trenches at subduction zones.

Where are most seafloor spreading centers located?

It is the mid-ocean ridges.

What are the spreading centers?

It is a center at the bottom of the ocean that occurs at mid-ocean ridges

What type of boundary occurs mostly at the mid-ocean ridge?

spreading centers

What type of boundary occurs mostly at the mid ocean ridge?

spreading centers