

Best Answer

The variable, X, has to undergo the following:


[The reverse would be to accept a Fahrenheit temperature:


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Q: Write C program for Accept temperature in degree Celsius and display the same in Fahrenheit?
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Write a Cobol pgm to convert centigrade to Fahrenheit?

Identification division. program-id.temperature11. environment division. data division. working-storage section. 77 ws-a pic 9(3)v9(2). 77 ws-b pic 9(3)v9(2). procedure division. main-para. display " enter degree temperature ". accept ws-a. compute ws-b rounded = ( 9/5 * ws-a ) + 32. display " temperature in fahrenheit celsius " ws-b. stop run..

Write a program to convert temperature degrees celsius to degrees fahrenheit?

Here's a full tutorial of how to implement and build the program. Great Stuff! See below

What fact or measurement would allow you to predict how high the pressure of water vapor inside the cup will rise?

the temperature of the water. I'm sure this is for the program Study Island.

What is the lowest body temperature ever?

May '08, the lowest temperature ever reached is 10^-10 K. See related link for more information about the Nova Program. At the Low Temperature Lab at the Helsinki University of Technology on August 12, 2000, they cooled a piece of rhodium metal to 100 pK, or 100,000 nK, or 100 trillionths of a degree above absolute 0. The lowest temperature a gas of *fermions* has been cooled to is 50 nK (50,000 pK), creating the first fermionic condensate, which is another state of matter like Bose-Einstein condensate, solid, liquid, and gas. This was accomplished with sodium-40, an isotope with half-integer spin, thus making it *fermionic*, so it obeys the Pauli-Exclusion Principle, which is why it's such a feat to get the atoms cold enough for their de Broglie wavelengths to be comparable to their average separation distances from each other. You'll note the temperature is relatively high compared to the above temperatures - the reason is that the repulsive force from the atoms not wanting to be in the same ground energy level makes it more difficult for scientists to cool them. The lowest temperature a macroscopic (relatively large) object has been cooled to is 0.8 K on April 8 2007 at MIT. The object was a massive whole gram, versus above, where we're talking about hundreds or thousands of mere atoms.

When was the landsat invented?

The program began in 1967.

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Program to convert temperature from Fahrenheit to celsius?

subtract 40, multiply by 9/5, then add 40

Write a QBASIC program to convert a temperature in degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius or vice versa depending on input?

CLS INPUT "Enter degrees in Celsius:";c INPUT "Enter degrees in Fahrenheit:";f a=(c*1.8)+32 b=5/9(f-32) PRINT c;"degree Celsius=" a;"degree Fahrenheit" PRINT f;"degree Fahrenheit=" b;"degree Celsius" end

Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius Codes in COBOL?

Identification division. Program-id. Environment division. Data division. Working-storage section. 77 f pic 9(3). 77 c pic 9(3)v99. 77 p pic z(3).z(2). Procedure division. Main-para. Display " enter fahrenheit temperature ". Accept f. Compute c rounded = ( f - 32 ) * 5 / 9. Move c to p. Display " temperature in degree celsius " p. Stop run.

Write a Cobol pgm to convert centigrade to Fahrenheit?

Identification division. program-id.temperature11. environment division. data division. working-storage section. 77 ws-a pic 9(3)v9(2). 77 ws-b pic 9(3)v9(2). procedure division. main-para. display " enter degree temperature ". accept ws-a. compute ws-b rounded = ( 9/5 * ws-a ) + 32. display " temperature in fahrenheit celsius " ws-b. stop run..

Write a program which takes the temperature in farhenheightthe program should display the farhenheight temperature as well as centigrade C equals?

Write a program which takes the temperature in farhenheight.the program should display the farhenheight temperature as well as centigrade. C= (f-32)*5/9

Write a program to convert temperature degrees celsius to degrees fahrenheit?

Here's a full tutorial of how to implement and build the program. Great Stuff! See below

What is the flowchart and algorithm of a program that will convert an inputted number in Fahrenheit to its equivalent measure in Celsius?

burat na flow chart

How do you write a program in C to convert temperatures between Fahrenheit and Celsius?

Code Example:/********************************************************************************* MODULE: main.c******************************************************************************** DESCRIPTION:* Program that takes a temperature from the user on the command line, then* displays that temperature as celsius converted to Fahrenheit, and* as Fahrenheit converted to celsius.********************************************************************************/#include #define iARGS_REQUIRED 2#define iARG_EXE 0#define iARG_INPUT 1static floatfCelsiusToFahrenheit( float fCelsius );static floatfFahrenheitToCelsius( float fFahrenheit );/********************************************************************************* MAIN********************************************************************************/intmain( int iArgc, char *acpArgv[] ){ float fFahrenheit = 0.0; float fCelsius = 0.0; float fInput = 0.0; /* user didn't provide a temperature on the command line */ if(iArgc != iARGS_REQUIRED) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [temperature]\n", acpArgv[iARG_EXE]); return 0; } /* read the given temperature into the fInput variable */ sscanf(acpArgv[iARG_INPUT], "%f", &fInput); /* fInput treated as celsius and converted to Fahrenheit */ fFahrenheit = fCelsiusToFahrenheit(fInput); /* fInput treated as Fahrenheit and converted to celsius */ fCelsius = fFahrenheitToCelsius(fInput); printf( "%.2f degrees Fahrenheit is %.2f degrees celsius.\n", fInput, fCelsius ); printf( "%.2f degrees celsius is %.2f degrees Fahrenheit.\n", fInput, fFahrenheit ); return 0;}/********************************************************************************* STATIC FUNCTION: fCelsiusToFahrenheit******************************************************************************** DESCRIPTION:* Converts a celsius temperature to Fahrenheit.** PARAMETERS:* fCelsius: The temperature in celsius to convert.** RETURNS:* fCelsius converted to Fahrenheit.********************************************************************************/static floatfCelsiusToFahrenheit( float fCelsius ){ return (fCelsius * 1.8) + 32;}/********************************************************************************* STATIC FUNCTION: fFahrenheitToCelsius******************************************************************************** DESCRIPTION:* Converts a Fahrenheit temperature to celsius.** PARAMETERS:* fFahrenheit: The temperature in Fahrenheit to convert.** RETURNS:* fFahrenheit converted to celsius.********************************************************************************/static floatfFahrenheitToCelsius( float fFahrenheit ){ return (fFahrenheit - 32) / 1.8;}

What is the differences between Fahrenheit and celsius?

Both Celsius and Fahrenheit are used to measure temperature, but they are different scales. The two scales use different temperature readings (different numerical values) for their reference points, which are the same two reference points - the freezing point and boiling point of water.Water freezes at 0° C and boils at 100° C : there are 100 "degree" intervals.Water freezes at 32° F and boils at 212° F : there are 180 "degree" intervals.Degrees in Celsius are not the same size as degrees in Fahrenheit- the Celsius degrees are much larger, equal to 1.8 (9/5) of a Fahrenheit degree.°F to °C: Deduct 32, then multiply by 5, then divide by 9°C to °F: Multiply by 9, then divide by 5, then add 32

How do you convert degrees with celsius?

I use a little PC program for the temperature conversion. Scroll down to related links and look at "Conversion of Temperature Units".

How you can solve the program of temperature in Celsius and convert it into farennite?

This has been answered twice recently: F=1.8 C + 32

How do you start the display program in Linux from the command line?

the command "display" brings up the ImageMagick program.