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CuCO3 ==> CO2 + CuO

(heat is the catalyst, written above the arrow)

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Elza Olson

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Q: Write a word equation to describe the decomposition of copper on heating?
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Write a word equation to describe the decomposition of copper carbonate on heating?

CuCO3 ==> CO2 + CuO (heat is the catalyst, written above the arrow)

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CuCO3 --> CO2 + CuO (gas + black powder) Further heating may result in : CuO --> 2Cu + O2 (metal copper + gas)

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The balanced equation is Cu(OH)2 (s) (heat) = CuO + H2O.

Word equation to desccribe the decomposition of copper carbonate on heating?

It decomposes to carbon dioxide (gas) and copper oxide (black powder) or even to metallic copper when heated up to higher temperatures (in that case also oxygen is released). You see why chemists rather put it in a reaction equation, so it can also be 'balanced': This would then take only one (=1!!) line of symbols and numbers. CuCO3 ==> CO2 + CuO and at higher temperauture: 2CuO ==> 2Cu + O2

What is a balanced chemical equation for the decomposition of copper 2 sulfate pentahydrate?

There is a balanced equation to use for decomposition of copper II sulfate pentahydrate. It is the following: CuSO4.5H2O+heat -->CuSO4(anhydrous)+5H2O.

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Cu2CO3(OH)2.H2O = 2CuO + CO2 + 2H2O