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com·mand e·con·o·my


  1. an economy in which production, investment, prices, and incomes are determined centrally by a government.
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Q: Are wages decided by the government in a command economy?
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When a government tells people what to produce how much to produce what price to charge and what wages to pay its an example of what?

a command economy.

The economic system in which the government is in almost complete control of the economic activity is called?

State capitalism. Not Communism, which has no government and no wages system.

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In which type of government are the wages of workers decided based upon the amount of effort from each worker?

In Which type of government are the wages of workers decided base upon the amount of effort from each worker?

In which type of government are the wages of workers decided based upon the amount of effort from each worker?

What economic systems does US use?

The US of A has a mixed economy - a combination of market economy and command economy.

In which type of government are the wages of workers decided based upon the amount of effort from each worker?

In which type of government are the wages of workers decided based upon the amount of effort from each worker?

what prohibited in a conmand economy?

In a command economy, which is controlled by a central, often authoritarian government, all forms of private ownership of property is prohibited. This is to avoid the nation's wealth accumulating in the hands of a few. Also prohibited is private investment and return.

How is a mixed economy is a mixture of command and pure market economy?

It’s called capitalism: class ownership, wages system, production for sale.

Why might socialist have a less rigid command economy than a communist economy?

In a socialist society, various political systems may be combines with public control of the economy.

What type of the government are the wages of workers decided based upon the amount of effort from each worker?


Which type of government are the wages of workers decided based upon the amount of effort from each worker?


What type of government are the wages of workers decided based upon the amount of effort from each worker?
