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Q: Can a central bank control domestic interest rates and fix their exchange rates at the same time?
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How does the central banks control the interest rate?

Central banks control interest rates by altering the repo rate. Repo rate is the rate at which banks borrow money from the central bank. So if the central bank hikes the repo rate, the banks will automatically hike their lending rates. similarly if the central bank reduces the repo rate, banks will lower their lending rates too.

How does the central banks control the interest rates?

Central banks control interest rates by altering the repo rate. Repo rate is the rate at which banks borrow money from the central bank. So if the central bank hikes the repo rate, the banks will automatically hike their lending rates. similarly if the central bank reduces the repo rate, banks will lower their lending rates too.

Ask us anythingCentral banks play an important role in the international banking system because they do what?

Central banks control the foreign currency reserves that are used for international trade.They also set each country's monetary policies.

For what reason did the Central Bank reduce the interest rates?

Central banks have control of the prevailing interest rates in the country and they usually reduce or increase them to maintain the country's economic status. If the country is having high inflation then the central bank would increase the interest rates to suck in excess cash from the markets and to reduce rates of essential commodities. Similarly, when the country is in a economic crisis, they might reduce interest rates to make borrowing cheaper and to promote spending.

How does the government control foreign exchange?

by applying restriction on the amount of transaction government can control foreign exchange.

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Control grossed $871,577 in the domestic market.

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The central conflict in Brave New World is between the individual and society, as characters struggle with the oppressive control exerted by the World State in exchange for stability and conformity. Personal freedom and individuality are sacrificed for societal harmony and order.

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What are the objectives of credit control by central banks?

The central bank makes efforts to control the expansion or contraction of credit in order to keep it at the required level with a view to achieving the following ends. 1. To save Gold Reserves: The central bank adopts various measures of credit control to safe guard the gold reserves against internal and external drains. 2. To achieve stability in the Price level: Frequently changes in prices adversely affect the economy. Inflationary and deflationary trends need to be prevented. This can be achieved by adopting a judicious of credit control. 3. To achieve stability in the Foreign Exchange Rate: Another objective of credit control is to achieve the stability of foreign exchange rate. If the foreign exchange rate is stabilized, it indicates the stable economic conditions of the country. 4. To meet Business Needs: According to Burgess, one of the important objectives of credit control is the "Adjustment of the volume of credit to the volume of Business" credit is needed to meet the requirements of trade an industry. So by controlling credit central bank can meet the requirements of business.

What are the advantage and disadvantage of exchange control?


What is the role of banking in national development?

The role of banking in national development is : 1- to control and adjust the rate of foreign exchange . 2- to control the financial stability of the country. 3- to control the interest rate. 4- to control the inflation and deflation. 5- to supply and distribute money equally. 6-mobilise financial resources 7-play advisory role in development