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yes resource allocation graph have cycles without a deadlock existing.

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Q: Can resource allocation graph have cycles without a deadlock?
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What are the deadlock detection algorithms?

Deadlock is a scenario where two or more processes are blocked, each waiting for the other to release the necessary resources to complete their execution. This situation can cause the entire system to become unresponsive, leading to reduced performance and potentially crashing the system. To avoid this, it is essential to have an effective deadlock detection algorithm in place. Several deadlock detection algorithms are used in modern computer systems. These algorithms use different approaches to detect deadlocks, and each algorithm has its strengths and weaknesses. Wait-for Graph Algorithm: The wait-for graph algorithm is a commonly used deadlock detection algorithm. In this algorithm, a directed graph is created, where the nodes represent the processes, and the edges represent the resources they are waiting for. The algorithm checks if there is a cycle in the graph. If there is a cycle, there is a deadlock in the system. The wait-for-graph algorithm has a few limitations. It can only detect deadlocks and does not provide any mechanism to recover from them. Also, the algorithm may only work well in large systems with a few resources. Resource Allocation Graph Algorithm: The resource allocation graph algorithm is another widely used deadlock detection algorithm. This algorithm creates a graph where the nodes represent the processes and the resources they hold or need. The algorithm checks for cycles in the graph. If there is a cycle, there is a deadlock in the system. The resource allocation graph algorithm is easy to implement and provides an efficient way to detect deadlocks. However, the algorithm requires considerable memory to store the graph, and it can be slow in large systems. Banker's Algorithm: The Banker's algorithm is a resource allocation and deadlock avoidance algorithm. In this algorithm, each process is given a maximum limit on the number of resources it can use. The algorithm checks if granting the requested resources will result in a safe state or not. If the state is safe, the resources are allocated to the process. If the condition is unsafe, the process is put on hold. The Banker's algorithm is an efficient way to prevent deadlocks. However, it requires considerable overhead to maintain the system's state, and it may only work well in systems with a few resources. Ostrich Algorithm: The Ostrich algorithm is a dynamic deadlock detection algorithm. This algorithm assumes a process is deadlocked if it does not progress for a specified period. The algorithm periodically checks the progress of each method and detects if any process is deadlocked. The Ostrich algorithm is efficient in detecting deadlocks in dynamic systems. However, it may not work well in systems where the processes are short-lived, and the algorithm may not detect deadlocks that occur over a short period. Timeout-based Algorithm: The timeout-based algorithm is another dynamic deadlock detection algorithm. This algorithm sets a timer for each resource request made by a process. If the requested resource is not allocated within the specified time, the process is assumed to be deadlocked. The timeout-based algorithm is an efficient way to detect deadlocks in dynamic systems. However, the algorithm may not work well in systems where the processes are short-lived, and it may produce false positives if the time-out period is too short.

What kind of resource can be regenerated or replenished by biochemical cycles?

Renewable resources

What is deadlock in OS?

Deadlock - Occurs when resources needed by one process are held by some other waiting process. Deadlock not only occurs in OS. Kansas state legislature in the early 20th century passed the following legislation: "When two trains approach each other at a crossing, both shall come to a full stop and neither shall start up again until the other has gone. " Assume we have the following operating system: 1. Finite number of resources to be distributed among some number of competing processes 2. Resources may be of several types and there may be several instances of each 3. When a process requests a resource any instance of that resource will satisfy the process 4. Processes can a. request a resource b. use the resource c. release the resource 5. A set of processes is in a deadlock state when every process in the set is waiting for an event that can be caused only by another process in the set. a. Same resource type - three tape drives, three processes request a tape drive then they each request another. Dining philosophers request chopsticks held by another. b. Different resource type - process A has a printer process B has a file, Each requests the other's resource. Four Necessary Conditions for Deadlock 1. Mutual exclusion: At least one resource is not sharable, i.e. can only be used by one process at a time 2. Hold and wait: A process holds at least one resource and requests resources held by other processes 3. No preemption: resource cannot be preempted, it must be voluntarily released by the process. 4. Circular wait: Given a set of processes { P1, P2, P3, …Pn} P1 has a resource needed by P2, P2 has a resource needed by P3, …, Pn has a resource needed by P1. System resource-allocation graph G = (V,E) where V is a set of vertices and E is a set of edges. The set of vertices is partitioned into Processes and Resources. A resource-allocation graph is a directed graph where an edge from process Pi to resource Ri indicates that Pi has requested Ri (request edge). An edge from Ri to Pi indicates that Ri has been allocated to Pi (assignment edge). When drawing the graph, processes are represented by circles and resources by squares. Multiple instances of a resource are represented by a dot in the square. When a process requests a resource a request edge is drawn. When the resource is allocated, the resource edge becomes an assignment edge. Resource edges points to the resource square, but assignment edges are from the dots within the square. P1P2P3R1R2R3R4Resource allocation graph, no deadlock If the graph contains no cycles, then there is no deadlock If the graph contains a cycle then a deadlock condition may exist. P1P2P3R1R2R3R4Resource allocation graph with deadlock. P1P2P4P3R1R2Resource allocation graph with cycle and no deadlock. P4 can release an instance of R2 and P3 will be assigned the resource How can we handle deadlocks? 1. Try to prevent them from happening 2. After system is deadlocked employ some mechanism to detect the deadlock and then recover from deadlock. 3. Ignore the problem, theoretically rare, and pretend deadlocks never occur (UNIX) Since deadlocks are infrequent this may be cheaper alternative Deadlock Prevention - Make sure one of the 4 necessary conditions for deadlock doesn't hold. 1. Mutual Exclusion - some resources are sharable. Some cannot be shared or be made sharable. A printer can be used by only one process at a time. 2. Hold and Wait - Whenever a process requests one resource make sure it is not holding another resource. · method 1 - request all resources before it begins execution, · method 2 - request resources only when process has none, it may request some resources, use them and then release all resources. · Downside - method 1 - assume process needs to copy file from tape to disk and then print. It will be holding printer entire time even though it needs it only at the end. · Downside method 2 - process can request tape and disk, release these and then request printer. Only if file remains on disk!! No guarantee. · Poor resource utilization, chance of starvation 3. No Preemption- · method 1 - process holds resources and needs another resource that is not in use. Process must release all resources, then waits on released resources in addition to the needed one · method 2 - check if resources are available when requested, if so allocate them. If not check if they are allocated to another process that is waiting for resources. If so, preempt the desired resources from the waiting process and allocate them to the requesting process. If the requested resource is not available, then the process waits. It can then be preempted by another process in the same way. 4. Circular Wait · Place an ordering on the resource types. Processes have to request resources in increasing order of numbering · Alternately, when a process requests a resource of a lower number, resources of higher number are deallocated. deadlock prevention can have the side effect of reduced system throughput and low device utilization. Deadlock Avoidance Processes declare in advance what its maximum resource usage will be. Use this a priori information about a process' resource needs to make sure a system never enters deadlock. (deadlock avoidance approach) Dynamically makes sure that the circular wait conditions doesn't exist. Def. A system is in a safe state if it can allocate resources to each process, in some order and avoid deadlock. A system is a safe system if there exists a safe sequence. A sequence of processes is a safe sequence for the current allocation state if for each Pi, the resources that Pi can still request can be satisfied by the currently available resources plus the resources held by all the Pj, with j satisfies the safety condition. If we are in the above state and grant P2 1 more tape drive the system is no longer safe. Resource-Allocation Graph Algorithm Used only when there is one instance of each resource. Request edges, assignment edges, new edge called claim edge. Claim edge from process to resource indicate process may request that resource some time in the future. Represented by a dashed arrow. Direction is the same as a request edge. When process requests resource, claim edge becomes request edge. When process releases a resource, assignment edge becomes claim edge. P1P2R1R22 If a process requests a resource, the request can be granted only if converting the request edge to an assignment edge does not result in a cycle in the graph. Safe, but if P2 were to request R2 then we would not be in a safe state Banker's Algorithm Used for multiple resource instances. 1. Processes must declare maximum instances of each resource that it will need. Number can't exceed the total number of resources in the system 2. Process will be allocated resources only if this results in a safe state. Otherwise process waits until some other process releases resources. Given two vectors (arrays), X and Y of length n, X

Is lead nonrenewable?

A renewable resource is one that is capable of being replaced by ecologic or natural cycles, whereas a nonrenewable resource cannot be naturally replaced. Lead is nonrenewable resource since once depleted it cannot be restored.

What is a resource hog?

A program that uses up a large portion of you computing power either CPU cycles or RAM or both...

What are the characteristics of northern resource-dependent communities?

communities characterized by economic, social, and cultural conditions intertwined with production of natural resource. associated with: fluctuating roles of unemployment high levels of economic underdevelopment population boom bust cycles, diversity dependence substitution (one resource to another)

What is Difference between edge chasing and path pushing algorithm?

In computer science, edge-chasing is an algorithm for deadlock detection in distributed systems.Whenever a process A is blocked for some resource, a probe message is sent to all processes A may depend on. The probe message contains the process id of A along with the path that the message has followed through the distributed system. If a blocked process receives the probe it will update the path information and forward the probe to all the processes it depends on. Non-blocked processes may discard the probe.If eventually the probe returns to process A, there is a circular waiting loop of blocked processes, and a deadlock is detected. Efficiently detecting such cycles in the "wait-for graph" of blocked processes is an important implementation problem.

Why are diamonds a resource?

Formation of diamonds takes millions of years in their natural state -- deep within the earth's mantle. Renewable resources can generally be reproduced in shorter cycles.

Would nutrient cycles be complete without decomposes?

No,because decomposers are an important part of nutrient cycle.Through them, nutrients in the ecosystem can be used again and again in this way, nutrient cycles go on and on.

Is a solar system a renewable resource?

Ultimately, yes. However, its renewability cycles in very, very long periods of time. Too long for anything to take advantage of such a renewability.

What is the meaning of zero waste management?

is a philosophy that encourages the redesign of resource life cycles so that all products are reused. Any trash sent to landfills and incinerators is minimal.

What is a resource in computer science?

Typical resources are disk space or memory capacity. 512 MB of RAM (random access memory) is a smaller resource than 4 GB of RAM. A 250 MB hard drive provides less space for the storage of software and data than a 4 TB hard drive. Processor speed is another resource. The number of clock cycles servers as a limitation to the amount of time it takes for a particular program to execute. If your program hogs all the clock cycles, it may freeze out the access of other users to this valuable resource. The word "resource" is generally reserved for either shared or expandle components of a computer system. Monitors, keyboards, and such tend to have exclusive use. A printer, on the other hand, would be a shared resource. It can handle jobs from multiple clients.