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Plywood prices rose 67 percent between 1991 and 1993

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Q: Did plywood prices rise in the early 1990s?
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When prices rise, income buys less.

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What is the rise of prices called?

That is inflation.

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"Early to bed, early to rise; makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."

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When gas prices rise, other products soon follow. This is a sign of inflation, where the general value of money decreases and prices rise.

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a rise in prices that occurs when currency loses its buying power

Explain the process of supply and demand and how prices rise and fall?

Prices will fall when the demand is much lower than the supply. When the supply is lower, there is greater demand, therefore, the prices will rise.

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I'm not 100% sure it's a juxtaposition, but yes, "early to bed" and "early to rise" are the two elements.

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