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Q: Do i take 2301 microeconomics or 2302 macro economics first in college?
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What is different macroeconomics from microeconomics?

micro economics is that branch of economics which study about individuals, households and firms whereas macro economics is a study of whole economy.

Micro economics and macro economics?

Micro means small and macro means large. Accordingly microeconomics is the study of small parts of the economy whereas macroeconomics is the study of aggregated parts or whole of economy.

What is economics with micro economics and macro economics?

Microeconomics is literally "small" economics, which typically concentrates on the interrelatedness of single markets and firms. Macroeconomics is "big" economics and concentrates on the economy as a whole, international trade, etc.

Which came first micro or macro economics?

Aristotle is generally considered the forefather of economics in general and he pursued microeconomic ideas, mostly. It is more likely microeconomics evolved first because individuals tend to analyse their own behaviours and optimise them - this is the assumption of rationality.

What is the difference between macro and microeconomics?

macro- and microeconomics courses (the "big picture" versus individual companies/persons)

Who is first use a word of Micro economics?

Who is first use a words of micro economics & macro economics

Who coined micro and macro economics?

Ragnar Frisch, Norwegian Economist, coined the terms 'micro' and 'macro' economics for the first time. He was the first Economics Nobel prize winner in 1969.

Define economics micro and macro economics?

You can think of microeconomics as a study of the "small" economy. So you're looking supply and demand for individual firms or individual markets for goods and services. Macro is "big" economics, or the study of whole markets. For example, micro would look at consumer choice and the market for specific goods, while macro would ask how fiscal policy would affect exchange rates.

What is difference between micro economics macro economics?

Microeconomics is that branch of economics analysis which studies the economics actions and behavior of individual units such as individual customer individual firms etc ; on the other hand macroeconomics deals with the economics actions and behavior of not a single particular unit - but the whole concept combined together.