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Q: Do shareholders control prices and availability in an industry?
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Which of the these controls prices and availability in an industry?

A monopoly controls prices and availability in an industry.

Which of these controls prices and availability in an industry?

Monopoly ~ APEX :)

What is A situation in which a company or group of companies has enough control over an industry to be able to affect prices and availability of products?

A monopoly, hence anti-trust and competition legislations

Which legislation made using rebates to control prices illegal?

The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 made using rebates to control prices illegal. This act was put into place largely to control the railroad industry.

What does the government use to control who enters an industry?

Through a licensing system, government agencies control who enters such industries, their prices, and their methods of operation.

In the national industrial recovery act each type of industry was asked to write its own rules to control what?

Yes, in the National Industrial Recovery act, each type of industry was asked to write its own rules to control.

What are Gamestops buying prices? dude. it even has availability locally

How did the initial growth of the oil industry during this era impact Texas state government?

The texas surveyors office was established to regulate and control oil prices.

How did John D. Rockefeller gain control in the oil industry?

He sold his oil for lower prices then the competition and drove the rival company into the ground. He then purchased these companies and expanded his business area. He continued to do this until he gained control over 90% of American oil sales

Do you agree or disagree with high prices traditionally cause expansion in an industry eventually bringing an end to high prices and manufacturers prosperity?

I agree because high prices traditionally cause an exppansion and industry and this brings an ending to the prices on manufactors and the prices of gasoline

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Prices for rock vary from region to region depending on availability.

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