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Q: Does an organization regulate the production and sale of oil?
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What organization's goal is to control the worlds production and price of oil?

OPEC is the organization that controls the world's production and price of oil. The members of OPEC come from twelve oil producing states.

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OPEC - The Organization of Oil Producing Countries

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)?

Group of oil-exporting nations that worked together to regulate the price and supply of oil.

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What organization controls almost 96 percent of the worlds oil production and trade?


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In April 1999 organization of petroleum exporting countries?

Cut crude oil production{~*Sara*~}

In April 1999 the organization of petroleum exporting countries OPEC?

cut crude oil production

In April 1999 the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries?

Cut crude oil production{~*Sara*~}

What is the name of the organization that controls oil production in the middle east?

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

What is OPEC's purporse?

OPEC refers to an organization formed by petroleum exporting states. It's purpose is to regulate amount of oil being produced as well as control its prices.