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Literally no, but figuratively yes. Laissez faire pretty much means 'Let it be' or 'Leave it alone'

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Related questions

What does french word laissez-faire mean?

Yes, laissez-faire is a French word made up of the two verbs 'laisser' (to let, to tolerate, to accept) and faire (to do)

Does laissez faire mean to let alone?

Laisser = to let faire = to do It basically means to leave someone to do whatever they want to do. For example: Marijuana is illegal in Canada. However, the police are unconcerned and generally have a laissez-faire attitude.

Does laissez-faire mean to let alone?

Laisser = to let faire = to do It basically means to leave someone to do whatever they want to do. For example: Marijuana is illegal in Canada. However, the police are unconcerned and generally have a laissez-faire attitude.

What is the role of laissez-faire in the government?

the fact that they are "laissez-faire" does not mean that they are merely for show, they still run the country, making important decisions to further the counties industrial, technological and economic development.

What is the role of government in a laissez faire?

the fact that they are "laissez-faire" does not mean that they are merely for show, they still run the country, making important decisions to further the counties industrial, technological and economic development.

What does it mean when government takes a laissez- faire form of policy?

Basically, it means that the government will not do anything. When you hear the word Laissez think Lazy.

What is the role of government in a laissez-faire economic systems?

the fact that they are "laissez-faire" does not mean that they are merely for show, they still run the country, making important decisions to further the counties industrial, technological and economic development.

What is the role of a government in a laissez faire economic system?

the fact that they are "laissez-faire" does not mean that they are merely for show, they still run the country, making important decisions to further the counties industrial, technological and economic development.

What is the role of government in a laissez-faire economic system?

the fact that they are "laissez-faire" does not mean that they are merely for show, they still run the country, making important decisions to further the counties industrial, technological and economic development.

What is a role of government in a laissez faire economic system?

the fact that they are "laissez-faire" does not mean that they are merely for show, they still run the country, making important decisions to further the counties industrial, technological and economic development.

What dose the term laissez faire mean?

The government should interfere as little as possible with business.

What did Adam smith mean by laissez faire?

Adam believed that the state should not interfere in economic matters