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scarity and choice are inseperable at all levels of decision- making: At the consumer 's level: 'scarcity ' means limited income and 'choice ' means allocation of income to the purchase of different goods and services that he maximises his satisfaction. At the producer 's level: 'scarcity ' means limited resources and 'choice ' means allocation of resources to the production of different goods and services in a manner that he maximises his profits. At the national level: 'scarcity ' means limited national income and 'choice ' means usage of resources in a manner that social welfare is maximised.

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Q: Explain Economics is about making choices in the presence of scarcity?
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Economics is defined as a study of the?

choices made by people faced with scarcity

What is scarcity how does it affect the way people make ecomomic choices?

Scarcity is the limited availability of a resource. It affects the way people make economics choices by increasing the price and likely the demand of the resource.

Why are scarcity and choice basic to study of economics?

Scarcity limits the number of choices available to the consumer. When a commodity is scarce, the consumer does not have a high number of substitute choices available. This means that the seller can raise prices, particularly if the item is high demand.

What are the approaches of studying economics?

First off, getting to know how people, firms, governments and banks make choices when it comes to scarcity.

A consequence of the economic problem of scarcity is that?

Scarcity restricts options and demands choices

Explain the concept of scarcity in relation to oppotunity cost?

Scarcity is the concept of finite resources in a world of infinite needs and wants. Economics assumes people are greedy and always haveneeds and wants. However, there is only a certain amount of most goods.Therefore, people are forced to choose among their needs and wants,because Mother Nature does not satisfy our needs and wants infinitely.Scarcity encompasses these choices.

Economics may best be defined as the?

"A number of assumptions designed to prove that perfect competition is better than imperfect competition" :) Ok, in my opinion, it is "a branch of sciences that studies markets"

Introduction to micro economics?

Economics is a social science which study how human being make choice to use scarce or limited resources to satisfies their unlimited choices. The word economics has been derived from two Greek words '' oikos ' means household and 'Nemien' means management.Thus the economics means management of household wants of each people are unlimited but most of the means to satisfies them like food and cloth etc are limited or scarce.Thus faced with scarcity people while managing the household must make choice people cannot have every things that they wants.So they have to choose among the available alternatives because scarcity forces people to choose. The economics is sometimes called science of choice science that explain the choice that people make and predicts how changes in circumstances affect their choices.

Kayla is making choices based on?


Can you compare the relationship between scarcity and the need for choices?

They imply each other and is a necessary consequence. When there is scarcity, in which the resources avaible are not enough to satisfy the human wants, people will need to make choices. So, scarcity will inevitably lead to the need for choices, although the scarcity problem will not be resolved even one has made their choice.

What are the basic concepts of economics?

Economics involves the interactions in society involving finances. Namely, economists study how the monetary value of items changes over time based on outer effects like the supply of resources and the demand of consumers.

Economics is a science of wealth?

In simple words it is a twin theme of Economics or i think it is best definition of Economics as followingGoods are scarce and our Society must use it Efficiently.scarcity-insufficient of resources like land,labour,and capital.efficiency-maximum use of resources.