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positive example

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Q: Give an example of a positive and normative statement about the economy You can choose any economic issue that interests you?
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Is An increase in the price of cigarettes will reduce the amount of cigarettes purchased a negative positive or normative economic statement?

it is a nomative economic statement

What is the positive and normative analysis in economics?

A positive analysis is a statement of what is. The truth. Purely descriptive statements or scientific predictions.A normative analysis is a statement of what ought to be. Analysis involving value judgments.

What is a sentence contrasting positive and normative economic analysis?

write a sentence contrasting positive and normative economic analysis

Is this a positive statement or normative statement The minimum wage creates unemployment among young and unskilled workers?

It is a positive statement.

What is the Difference between positive and normative science?

A Normative Theory expresses a judgment about whether a situation is desirable or undesirable, and is based upon some moray or standard. The world would be a better place if the moon were made of green cheese, is a normative statement because it expresses a judgment about what ought to be. Notice that there is no way of disproving this statement. If you disagree with it, you have no sure way of convincing anyone, who believes the statement, that it is incorrect.A Positive Theory expresses an opinion on a condition, assuming what is, and that contains no indication of approval or disapproval and is not based on any standard. Notice that a positive statement can be incorrect. The moon is made of green cheese, is incorrect, but it is a positive statement because it is a statement about what exists.

Related questions

Is An increase in the price of cigarettes will reduce the amount of cigarettes purchased a negative positive or normative economic statement?

it is a nomative economic statement

What is the positive and normative analysis in economics?

A positive analysis is a statement of what is. The truth. Purely descriptive statements or scientific predictions.A normative analysis is a statement of what ought to be. Analysis involving value judgments.

What is a sentence contrasting positive and normative economic analysis?

write a sentence contrasting positive and normative economic analysis

Is this a positive statement or normative statement The minimum wage ought to be abolished?


Is this a positive statement or normative statement The minimum wage creates unemployment among young and unskilled workers?

It is a positive statement.

What is the Difference between positive and normative science?

A Normative Theory expresses a judgment about whether a situation is desirable or undesirable, and is based upon some moray or standard. The world would be a better place if the moon were made of green cheese, is a normative statement because it expresses a judgment about what ought to be. Notice that there is no way of disproving this statement. If you disagree with it, you have no sure way of convincing anyone, who believes the statement, that it is incorrect.A Positive Theory expresses an opinion on a condition, assuming what is, and that contains no indication of approval or disapproval and is not based on any standard. Notice that a positive statement can be incorrect. The moon is made of green cheese, is incorrect, but it is a positive statement because it is a statement about what exists.

Is this statement Inflation is more harmful to the economy than unemployment a positive statement?

equality is more important than efficiency. Is that a positive or normative statement?

Why does the distinction between positive and normative statement matter for economics?

A positive normative is one which can be examined by referring to facts i.e 80% of your microeconomics class is made up of females. while a normative statement cannot be tested by examining facts it is an opinion or value judgement.

What is the difference between positive and normative economics?

Positive economics is the branch of economics that concerns the description and explanation of economic phenomena. Normative economics is the study of economics that attempts to determine the desirability of different economic conditions.

Is the statement 'Society faces a short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment' positive or normative?


What the difference between positive economics and normative economics?

Positive Economics is the branch of economics that concerns the description and explanation of economic phenomena. Normative economics is the study of economics that attempts to determine the desirability of different economic conditions.

Is this normative or positve.A decrease in the price of digital cameras will decrease the demand for camera film?

The answer is positive statement:A positive statement is a statement about what isand that contains no indication of approval or disapproval. A normative statement expresses a judgment about whether a situation is desirable or undesirable.A decrease in the price of digital cameras will decrease the demand for camera film?This statement is simply a statement about what isand cannot be construed to be a judgment and so cannot be a normative statement.