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Q: How Markets are usually a good way to organize Economic activity Discuss?
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The most widespread primary economic activities of today is the buying and selling of government securities. This an activity that commercial & central banks engage in. The markets are operating on a 24/7 day basis.

what was idea that free markets should be left alone to boost economic activity is referred to as economics?

it is known as laissez-faire

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The market is the mechanism that brings together households and firms.

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In market-based economies, markets determine prices which will answer the three economic questions

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Factor Markets, Households, Profuct markets, firms

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The economic aggregates are measures that summarize data across markets.

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Who determines what products should be produced and how they should be produced In a mixed-market economic system?

In general the mixed economy is characterized by the private ownership of the means of production, the dominance of markets for economic coordination, with profit-seeking enterprise and the accumulation of capital remaining the fundamental driving force behind economic activity.