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Q: How did railroads industry control economy?
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What are three ways that railroads spurred the growth of industry?

Growth of economy

What describes a characteristic of the north economy?

Industrialization is a characteristic that describes the North's economy. Factories and railroads helped to build the economy in North America.

Who was the captain of industry of railroads?

Cornelius Vanderbilt is the Captain of the industry of railroads.

What role did railroads play in the growth of coal industry?

Railroads was the main reason why the coal industry kept in business, it depended largely in the railroads

What industry did the Vanderbuilt family control?

Vanderbilt mainly controlled railroads, southern railroads in particular. His fortune started during the Industrial Revolution and it has been controlled by his family ever since.

Which industry was helped the most by increased innigration from china?

Railroads- apex

How did the steel industry help railroads?

railroads helped transport steel to other places

How did steam power and railroads change the northern economy?

Steam power and railroads changed the northern economy because steam was powerful and it was cheap to run.

How did the wood industry change because of railroads?

== ==

Who was the captian of industry for railroads?

Harriet Tubman

Who controls pricing in the rail industry?

Railroads largely control their pricing; changes, however, must be approved by the STB and, if they are, the railroad is not subject to antitrust regulations.

Which industry was helped when the government gave them a huge pieces of land in the Western states?
