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It revived the Federalist Party where US now depended on business for its economy. The Federalists won 1 state-Massachussetts. US shipping declined greatly. The embargo act was a political and economical disaster for the US

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The Embargo Act affected the on the American economy positively for the new manufacturing facilities. The shipping economy was crippled and actually suffered looting due to the Act.

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Q: How did the embargo act affect the American economy?
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What effect did the Embargo Act have on American economy?

amost destroyed american economy

What was impacts of the embargo on the American economy?

The Embargo Act affected the on the American economy positively for the new manufacturing facilities. The shipping economy was crippled and actually suffered looting due to the Act.

How did the Embargo act affect Britain and France?

The embargo act had very little effect on Britain and France.For more information on Embargo Act, visit more: embargo-act-of-1807

American merchants were what by the Embargo Act?

American merchants were hurt by the Embargo Act more than Britain and France.

How did American trade change during the early 1800s?

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What was the significance of the Embargo Act?

The Embargo Act destroyed New England's shipping capacity and seriously damaged American markets, especially for exporters. Markets where the U.S. had gained advantage, such as the West Indies, were lost to Britain and the economic cost to the country was extremely high. In the long-run, the Embargo Act had to be repealed because its significance was to nearly cripple the young American economy.

How did foreign powers affect American shipping?

congress passed the embargo act of 1807, forbade american ships from sailing to foreign ports

Which act was intended to ban all American exports?

The Embargo Act

What was the significance of the embargo acts?

The Embargo Act destroyed New England's shipping capacity and seriously damaged American markets, especially for exporters. Markets where the U.S. had gained advantage, such as the West Indies, were lost to Britain and the economic cost to the country was extremely high. In the long-run, the Embargo Act had to be repealed because its significance was to nearly cripple the young American economy.

Was the embargo act an attempt to punish the federalists?

yes to get more freedom and economy

What did the Embargo Act say?

The Embargo Act of 1807 prevented American ships from engaging in foreign trade by travelling to foreign ports. It also closed American ports to British shipping.

What did president Jefferson do to avoid war?

President Thomas Jefferson pursued a policy of economic coercion to avoid war. He implemented the Embargo Act of 1807, which prohibited American ships from trading with foreign nations. By cutting off trade, Jefferson hoped to pressure Britain and France into respecting American neutrality and cease their interference with American shipping. However, the embargo had negative effects on the American economy and ultimately failed to achieve its objectives.