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Q: How do subsides generally affect the supply curve why?
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For a given increase in supply the slope of both demand curve and supply curve affect the change in equilibrium quantity Is this statement true or false Explain with diagrams?

For a given increase in supply the slope of both demand curve and supply curve affect the change in equilibrium quantity Is this statement true or false Explain with diagrams?

What is difference between individual supply curve and market supply curve?

The difference between individual supply curve and the market supply curve is tat individual supply curve is like a firm. To be able to get the market supply curve you have to have the individual supply curve.

What causes movement along a supply curve?

there are few things that can affect a movement among the supply curve; for instances prices, low rate of income or inferior goods.

When minimum wage increases for workers how does this affect the supply curve for a company?

When minimum wage increases for workers this affects the supply curve upwards for the company. This will mean that the cost goes up which pushes the curve to the left.

How is a market supply curve similar to and different from an individual supply curve?

how is a market supply curve similar to and diffrent from an individual supply curve

What is the factor that supply curve to shift right?

A increase in supply will be because of an: Increase in technology, change in production climates (positive change), cost of production decrease or increase in number of producers,changes in the prices of other goods and services, subsides.

What is difference between change in supply and change in quantity supplied?

a change in supply is the shift in supply curve due to change in price of other commodities and other factors like taste,weather,income e.t.c while a change in quantity supply is the change in price of the commodity itself that affect the quantity supply,here the supply curve remain constant but there will be a movement along the supply curve.

How are supply schedule and supply curve related?

Supply schedule and supply curve and related in the sense that there exists an important relationship between supply and demand. The greater the supply curve, the greater the supply schedule.

Does a change in producers' technology lead to a movement along the supply curve or shift in the supply curve?

just lead to a shift in the supply curve.

What is needed to dertermine the equilibrium of a good or service?

by finding where the supply curve and the demand curve intersect

What happens if demand curve interacts with the supply curve?

Then demand and supply are equal.

How do a supply curve and a market supply curve differ?

A supply curve is a graph showing each and every price in that market, where as a Market supply curve shows the prices by all firms that offer the product for sale in a given market.