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Q: How does specialization lead to interdependence?
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How does specialization in French food production lead to interdependence with other countries?

Exchange of resources is a way in which specialization in French food production leads to interdependence with other countries. Those who seek authenticity look to native inputs in the form of French-born personnel, French-grown crops, and French-made equipment. Such a commitment will lead to considerable traffic between France as the authentic supplier and French food-growing countries as customer and co-supplier.

What is specialization and what did it lead to?

specialization is doing only one job and it leads to civilization

What is conditions lead to economic interdependence?

good economic condition

How does trade lead to interdependence between societies?

because you're stupid

What does specialization in a nation lead to?

international trade

What did Durkheim explained that organic solidarity is based on?

organic solidarity social bonds, based on specialization and interdependence, that are strong among members of industrial societies

What concept did Durkheim use to refer to social bonds which are strong among members of industrial society and are based on specialization and mutual interdependence?

organic society

What is an ecenomic interpendence?

Economic interdependence is a consequence of specialization, or the division of labor, and is almost universal. The participants in an economic system are dependent on others for the products they cannot produce efficiently for themselves. This physical interdependence implies corresponding linkages in the demands for products and the incomes of the participants.

How did the Neolithic revolution lead to specialization?

The Neolithic revolution lead to specialization. This is because the Neolithic revolution allowed people to settle down and begin to do other jobs instead of hunting.

Which of these is not an argument that economists have made against specialization and the division of labor?

specialization would lead workers to a higher overall level of skills A+

How does specialization in one industry lead to a country developing trade relationships?

It doesn't