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Q: How does supply and demand explain the wage gap between petroleum engineering and sociology majors?
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Marketing and sociology are related in that they both study human behavior and interactions. Sociology provides insight into how societal influences shape consumer behavior, helping marketers better understand their target audience. By understanding social trends, values, and norms, marketers can create more effective marketing strategies that resonate with consumers on a deeper level.

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Explain how genetic engineering can be useful in the treatment of human illnesses such as diabetes?

What is the first rule in sociology?

The first rule in sociology is to approach social phenomena with an open mind, questioning assumptions and being aware of biases. It involves viewing society objectively and seeking to understand the factors that shape human behavior and interactions.

Explain and access whether sociology can or should be a science?

It's "assess", and I'm not doing your homework for you.

Why is sociology considered a scientific discipline but not philosophy?

Sociology is considered a scientific discipline because it uses systematic methods like empirical research and data analysis to study society and human behavior, aiming to explain and predict social phenomena. Philosophy, on the other hand, typically deals with abstract questions about reality, knowledge, values, and existence, often relying on logic and reasoning rather than empirical evidence to provide insights.

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What is the Modularization Criteria

Explain how genetic engineering can improve food supplies?

improve by enginerring

Explain how economics is related to the different discipline of social sciences and natural services in sociology?

Economics is related to social sciences like sociology through its focus on understanding human behavior, social interactions, and societal institutions. In sociology, economics helps analyze how economic factors influence social structures, inequality, and power dynamics. When considering natural services, economics examines how economic activities impact the environment and natural resources, leading to discussions on sustainability, conservation, and resource management within the broader social context.

What is the meaning of engineering Explain with suitable examples?

Engineering is the application of rules of engineering to any field e-g application of rules of engineering to computer-science makes it computer-engineering similar to all fields (electrical, civil, petroleaum,software)

Explain why an anticline might be a good place to search for petroleum and natural gas?

An upward fold in a rock layer can, under certain circumstances, act as a trap for rising gases and petroleum.

Explain the nature and scope of education sociology?

Education sociology is the study of how educational institutions and processes impact society and individuals. It focuses on analyzing social inequalities within educational systems, educational policies, and how social factors influence teaching and learning. The scope includes examining issues such as student outcomes, access to education, socialization in schools, and the role of education in promoting social change.

Are strain theories of limited value as they only explain crimes committed by the disadvantaged?

While strain theories do focus on how social and economic pressures can lead to criminal behavior among disadvantaged individuals, they can also be applied to explain criminal behavior in other social contexts. These theories highlight how various stressors and strains can contribute to criminal activity, regardless of an individual's socioeconomic status. By understanding the sources of strain and how individuals cope with them, we can gain insights into criminal behavior across different groups in society.