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Q: How does the US free enterprise economy relate to individual freedom?
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How does economy relate to free enterprise?

In an economy based on free enterprise people are free to start their own businesses.

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Individual sovereignty is the control of one's own destiny. It was expressed by the Declaration of Independence as "life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". The First Amendment to the Constitution reaffirms that the individual's basic rights include religious freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and the freedom to petition against actions of the government. It is important that the Constitution does not "grant" these rights, but rather prevents the government from denying them.

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Free Interprise Is the same

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The word "polis" is Greek for city-state, while "politics" refers to the activities, actions, and policies used to gain and hold power in a government or to influence the government. The term "politics" originated from "polis" because in ancient Greece, politics was mainly concerned with the functioning of the city-state.

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they go together because they both have jobs and company

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shrinkage is economy priciple relate to parsimony principle.

How is the government and economy relate to the US from the middle colonies?

i dont no ;D

How does supply and demand relate to free enterprise?

I dont know im asking you? 😕😕😕😕

What was freedom of contract and how did it relate to protective laws?

go to class, or buy the textbook

How does the quote Freedom Is Not Free relate to South Korea in the early 1950s?

The South Koreans believed that in order to preserve their freedom, they had to fight communism.

How does the quote freedom is not free relate to the south Korea in the early 1950s?

The South Koreans believed that in order to preserve their freedom, they had to fight communism.